View Full Version : is this sinusitus??

08-08-06, 13:05

ive just today finished a course of antibiotics for tonsillitis i dont have a sore throat but i still feel like my nose is bloked but not like i want to blow it if u know what i mean, if i breathe through my nose its blocked, i also have blocked ears on and off, pain under eyes and a pain in the middle of my forehead, its again on and off, but its worrying me thats its something serious like a tumor, i just need assurance i think that other people have these same feelings with sinus problems. i know i prob sound ridiculous but when i think about it i need to ask coz otherwise i will sit and worry all day.

hope u r ok
leanne xx[xx(]

i just wanna feel normal

08-08-06, 14:16
Give it a few days honey...u have only just finished the tablets, plus they are going to make you feel rough anyway. I am sure you don't have a tumour xxx

'Never be afraid to try- remember, amateurs buit the Ark...professionals built the Titanic'

08-08-06, 16:27

It does sound like sinusitis. Which I get all the time:(. You can get pain in the centre of your forehead, in your cheek bones, over both eyebrows, in your nose, behind the eyes. Sinusitis can even give you toothache - it's nasty if it wants to be!! But, don't worry it will clear. Perhaps you could get someVicks - put some in a bowl of hot water and with a teatowel over your head steam the blockage out!

Take care, it will clear although it's grotty.

Kez x

Take time to smell the roses.

08-08-06, 20:23
sounds like it it can be pain in just the areas you describe

i get this alot and if youve got tonsilits chances are it iis coming form that


08-08-06, 21:39
Yes deffinatly, I am famous for my bouts of sinusitis;)

Best thing to do is use steam and menthal crystals and inhale, vicks on your chest at night, from Boots you can get cathar and sinus relief with enchinicha (sp?) in it, fab for when your run down.

Give it a week, if you feel no better go see your GP.

Poor you its so painful, Ive been diagnosed today with chronic sinusitis:-(

Ju x