View Full Version : Hi, I'm Jen

15-10-12, 13:10
Hi Everyone

I have suffered with anxiety related issues since I was 14 (now 26). I have just got married and this has sparked off a flare up of all my issues.

I am currently having bad IBS and GERD problems.
I know that the anxiety is causing them (I suddenly developed constipation just before I got married, my IBS has always been diarrhoea based) but I also can’t help but worry that something is really wrong with me. I have pains all across my ribs (on both sides and in my back) and I can’t help but worry that it’s my gallbladder. My GP says that I had tests done in 2010 which showed up ok so I am sure I am ok this time. He also felt my stomach and said will be an IBS flare up (he is a sufferer himself). But I still can’t help worrying that it is something worse and that is making it hurt more. I haven’t had pain under my ribs constantly like this since 2009/10 which must have been my last flare up. I know I need to relax but I can’t help worrying.

I am also having daily panic attacks. I wake up with it every morning as I worry what my tummy is going to be like that day. I am emetophobic so I am so worried I will wake up feeling sick. This means I go into a panic attack the minute I wake up. Everyday! I then spend the rest of the day trying to fight it off with deep breathing and distraction. But the pain in my back from the IBS is like a constant reminder.

I am currently stressing about eating as well. I had a flare up of GERD and now I am worried to eat anything. I am taking Gaviscon as much as I can but now I don’t know if it is safe to stop. Is that causing the back pain? Worrying about eating isn’t helping either as it is causing me to become anorexic (though I worry about being sick not my weight). Every time I eat I get a warm feeling in my stomach but I can’t help but worry that its actually burning again like the acid reflux.

This is all causing depression as well.

Not going through a good time at the moment.

Jen x

15-10-12, 13:21
Hi jennielouises

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

15-10-12, 13:25
sorry to hear you are going through such a tough time of it at the moment but congratulations on getting married!

I think if you are concerned about the pain it is best to go back and discuss it with your doctor, i understand about the eating thing. i'm exactly the same. i don't like to eat at the moment in case i'm unwell, however understand that by not eating it can make the anxiety worse! Kinda feel like going in circles some days.

It could be worth asking to be referred to a counsellor, this could help you deal with the panic attacks and in turn help you to relax too.

Hope you feel better soon :hugs:

18-10-12, 21:13
Hi Paranoidtree. Thank you for your reply. I hadn't realised you had replied as I thought I would get an email saying there was one?

I am seeing a counsellor that I am paying for and have been three times. I always feel better on a Tuesday evening after seeing her. She seems to really get what I am going through which I have never experienced with a counsellor before.

I had quite a good day yesterday and Tuesday but unfortunately today I woke up in a panic again. I went to the docs and they have prescribed me something to take but I am nervous about that (I have just left a post about it in the medications forum).

I am so glad that I have found this forum. I am on one for my emetophobia and OCD but this is good because it covers them all in one go! :-)

I hope I can make some good friends here!

fozzy is crying
18-10-12, 21:13

18-10-12, 21:31
i think you can create a setting so that you get emailed when there are replies but not 100% on this!

Glad you are seeing someone who is helping, i too have seen lots of different counsellors and it is only my current one i feel i am making any progress with!