View Full Version : Feel dreadful the past two days

15-10-12, 14:10

As people are aware, I have been so positive for a while now and have been really working on my Anxiety and Depression. My medication was upped last week and although it did knock me the first night I took it, I am now having these intense feelings of low mood and a panicky feeling that I am trapped and can't escape from it. I don't yet know if this is actually due to the medication, but my mood is just low since Saturday now and it is continuing to get lower. I am really trying to keep positive here and keep telling myself that things are going to be fine, but then the overwhelming feelings wash right over me and I feel helpless and back at square one. Right now I feel depressed and the negative feeling I am getting is that I am back to square one and I have nothing to look forward too. It's like I have sailed through the past two days feeling hopeless. There are those few moments where I see light at the end of the tunnel, but the negativity always conquers that and I end up feeling lousy again. I don't want to go to my GP because I have bothered him enough. I have already been there again on Saturday because I was suffering headaches. I don't want to go booking another appointment today and bothering him even more, but this just isn't lifting. Right now the low mood is actually worse than the anxiety and I just feel like I have taken two steps forward and ten steps back.

15-10-12, 14:27
Hello Edward...

You know what it's like upping tablets, always some sort of effect on us. Try not to dwell on it and I am sure it will pass.

You have gone through and come through so much.. this is a little stroll in the park for you :)... you can do it! :hugs:x

15-10-12, 14:32
You have been doing so well Edward and we all get little 'blips' and that is what you should think of it as...just a little blip and you will get over it. :hugs:

15-10-12, 14:41
Thanks guys. I am going to turn something bad into a positive thing here and just concentrate on the good things. OK, medication was upped. This little blip could be to do with that. I will try my best and ride it out as I am sure this is only temporary and won't last. It is a bit hard right now, but I think I do have it in me to cope. The feelings of sadness will pass, I know that, just have to make the best of things until they do. I haven't given hope just yet and I know these miserable feelings will subside in time. Thanks for the advice Annie and Miss Dynamite. I appreciate it very much :)

15-10-12, 19:08
Poor you. I've recently increased my medication after suffering crippling attacks of anxiety. The initial anxiety was kind of dampened down, but felt that it was lurking there ready to explode again. Anyway increasing the medication did make me feel worse initially but after a few days the increased anxiety levelled out again, so it should be temporary and you'll start to feel better again soon. My biggest breakthrough has been through counselling. I was really against it to start with, but getting to the route cause of my anxiety is helping me understand why I feel like I feel. Have you considered that at all? It's been very painful, but it's helped me address my issues.
Good luck. :winks:

16-10-12, 13:04
Hiya Peppermint,

I see a Psychiatrist every few weeks to talk things out with her. Sometimes it doesn't go very well, but I keep on trying. I am due to see her again in two weeks time and I will air this issue with her. I am glad that the counseling is working for you :)

I don't feel too bad today. It's mostly me being apprehensive and thinking "I have nothing to do to get me through the day". I'm taking my Bach Rescue Spray though and I have also started on Valerian capsules for mild anxiety, so I will wait and see how that works out for me. It's really the fear of the unknown that is driving me today, but my mood has lifted a lot since yesterday :)