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08-08-06, 13:07
Hey everyone! I'm very new to all this, so please be nice haha :) I'm a 19 year old girl, and don't really know why I'm here... hope some of you can help me, because I hate what's been happening to me lately! I've always been such an independent outgoing person, just finished my first year of uni, have passed all my exams and to look at me you'd think I had nothing to worry about at all, BUT for the last month I've been feeling so panicky and awful and I hate it :(

It started when I was on holiday abroad last month with 3 friends, I got some sort of tummy bug and felt really really sick for the last 4 days of my holiday. I was so scared being ill in a different country and the doctor was absolutely rubbish, she didnt speak a word of English and gave me some medicine that made me feel worse! I spent most of those 4 days in the hotel room by myself while my friends sunbathed - being by myself only made it worse, and started having heart palpitations and feeling shaky (which I now know was a symptom of anxiety, but at the time I thought it meant I was really ill!). I tried to forget about it, telling myself it was nothing, but I still felt rubbish. When it came to getting on the plane to come home I got in such a bad state - I refused to get on it, and literally had to be dragged up the steps onto the plane by my friends. I was convinced there was something seriously wrong with me, and that I'd have a heart attack and stop breathing on the plane. All that kept going through my head was 'If anything happens, you're stuck in the air for 4 hours with no way of escape and no doctors' - Of course by that time I was having a full on panic attack, the first one I've ever had in my life. Racing heart, shaking, feeling very sick, couldn't breathe, needing the toilet all the time, feeling like I was going to die! This carried on for the full 4 hours we were on the plane, and when we landed bak in England, I had a big huge sigh of relief - have never been so happy to get off a plane in my life.

I went to the doctors when I got back home, who prescribed tablets for the sickness... it seemed to go away, and I felt much better. However, a week ago, it all started again... I haven't had any more full-on panic attacks but I find myself feeling shaky for no reason, feeling sick and with this horrible fear all the time that there's something really wrong with me. I feel very reluctant to go outside of my house - I feel like I need to be near my bed at all times, in case I feel shaky and need to lie down. My mum (who's a nurse) says 'Oh there's nothing wrong with you, it's just anxiety', so here I am... hoping that I can find a way of dealing with it by reading this website. I go back to uni in September, and really need to sort myself out before then :(

So sorry for the big long essay! Hope to chat to some of you soon :) GG x

08-08-06, 13:15
Welcome aboard, Glittergirl!

Maybe your tummy bug was just the trigger for your anxiety? Anxiety can be caused by all sorts of emotional issues (childhood, life changing events etc.) Recreational drugs can also lead to them.

Anyway, you will find lots of support and advice here, and I'm glad you found us!

Take Care,



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

08-08-06, 13:34

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

polly daydream
08-08-06, 15:03
Hi Glittergirl and welcome to the forum.

Best wishes,


08-08-06, 16:17
Hi Glittergirl

Welcome to the forum, you will found a lot of help here.


08-08-06, 16:57
Hi Glittergirl,

A big warm welcome to you. You will be made very welcome here.

Take Care


08-08-06, 17:10
Hi GlitterGirl, welcome!

I just joined recently and am very glad I did. You will find the most important thing here....friends who care and have gone/are going through what you are.

Lotsa Luv to you x :D

'There are no such things as strangers; just friends we haven't made yet!'

Ma Larkin
09-08-06, 10:34
Hi GG, I had a panic attack on the plane coming home from Tenerife. It didn't stop! I just wanted to go to sleep & to make matters worse I had my 3 kids with me (single parent). They didn't know what the hell was happening to me. I had the same feelings of "i'm on this plane for 4 hours & there's no doctor & no medication". I just wanted to be sedated to get out of the panic but it didn't happen. Once I got home I started to feel a bit better but it took days for me to get over it.

You could think about taking advice on getting some medication, visit your GP & don't leave anything out. Described all the symptoms, write them down so you don't forget anything. By the time you go back to uni, the meds should have kicked in, or try a herbal remedy.

Good luck with everything & welcome to the site.


09-08-06, 19:24
Hi Glittergirl

A warm welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.


09-08-06, 21:45
hi glittergirl welcome you will make many friends here

we are all stronger people after having this

31-10-08, 21:06
Hi im new and suffer with anxiety i worry about everything, every pain is serious, in a great relationship and i just worry the worst senarios and am scared of stupid things i hate it but i dont know how to just relax and sometimes get really worked up i want to just break free so hopefully we can all help each other

31-10-08, 22:01
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

02-11-08, 19:28
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx