View Full Version : sinusitis/ear problems/throat problems, please please help me!

15-10-12, 14:14
I don't know if you can help me but maybe some reassurance...

I'm 19 years old, 2 years ago i lost my hearing well a substantial amount of it for 3 months, before i lost it i was ill for quite a while coughing phlemgh. I then had a head injury 2 weeks after loosing my hearing, the CT scan showed sinusitis. It felt like i had water in my ear, i could hear my heart beat in my head and myself swollowing.

It took me inhaling steam and eucalptus oil to FINALLY get rid of it. It really got me down though for the 3 months i had it, i was crying most nights so scared i was never going to hear again. i pushed so many people away because i just felt useless, shouting at everyone. I refuse to get on planes anymore because since losing my hearing for the first time i've been on a plane once and never again, the pain WAS NOT worth it and it never will be again.

I was put on SO many nasal sprays, steroid drops/sprays, anti biotics...nothing worked. A good old wives tales ended up being the answers to my problems.

But anyway, since then i have been refered to ENT and they have checked my ears/hearing/nose and they have found nothing wrong at all apart from rhisitus and sinusitus.

I got dischaged and then 2 days later I GOT TONSILITIS for the 390854th time in my life. Thats finally going, but i've been left with a feeling of pressure in my right ear, i keep getting bubbling noises/ringing i feel as if im going to lose my hearing in it again.

I am so scared i'm going to lose it and it will be gone for good :'( i'm going to the doctors tonight and im going to beg for him to refer me to ENT again and hopefully they will remove my tonsils because i feel as if they are causing me so many problems.

I would really appreciate similar stories so i know i'm not alone or some advice or some shit like that, please and thank you.

15-10-12, 17:30

I understand a lot of what you're saying. I had tonsillitis about 4 weeks ago and woke up with vertigo. I didn't go to the doctors because I was convinced I had a brain tumour. After a few days the vertigo went but then came back twice. I finally went to dr who said I had lots of fluid in my ears. Thinking back at the time of getting tonsillitis I did have earache. I've also had ringing, clinging and whistling particularly in my right ear and still feel unsteady.

I'm using a nasal spray and dr said it can take a while for it to clear. Even having this reassurance I still feel terribly anxious and tearful. My right ear feels full and I can feel pressure in right side of my head, still feel dizzy and bit sick. I'm so fed up of this just wish I could be better.

I hope you feel better soon X