View Full Version : Here we go again...

15-10-12, 15:33
Hi all,
Just when I think I'm back on track another blip occurs. Got some family news which has triggered my anxiety again. I'm so frustrated with myself because I have only just got over my last bout last month after having been relatively calm for a long time and I really don't want to succumb to these feelings but can't seem to help it. I've had two sleepless nights now and feel shattered but am worrying already that tonight will be a third. I took 20mg propranolol in the evening yesterday which did seem to calm me but could this also prevent a good night's sleep as a side effect? I went for a walk this morning which did lessen the heightened sense of uneasiness I was feeling but it's creeping back again now. I wish my mind could just switch off for a bit but no such luck! :weep:

15-10-12, 15:37
Try to stay positive and remind yourself that it is just a little blip. I am the same when ever anything happens my anxiety creeps back again but I just try to convince myself that it will only be for a short time :hugs:

15-10-12, 18:35
Thanks Annie. The mind really is a powerful thing but I need more practise at putting it to positive and productive use! :)