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View Full Version : Scared of anaphylactic shock

15-10-12, 15:50
This has been my recent obsession. To the point of not wanting to eat ANYTHING. Which is obviously insane.

It started because I have become intolerant to bread (it gives me a bad stomach and ... bad poo times!) which the dr says is IBS but are testing for celiacs disease and some other things. After a lot of pain and a hospital stay.

Has anybody else has this?

I get so scared 10 mins after eating all food that I am going to curl over and stop breathing and have a tight throat. Obviously also very similar feelings to a panic attack.


15-10-12, 16:19

I generally suffer from panic attacks for other reasons but a little while ago I had this fear after getting bright red whelts on my lower legs after a prescription of penicillin. Have an immunology test for it in November.

Of course it got me thinking "Well what if this and what if that" and it soon took over. I found I was eating the same "safe foods" in vey small amounts and lost quite a bit of weight but because I have so many other phobias I thought no way, not another and just kept trying all the things I have always eaten in small (tiny) bits. when i was ok half an hour later I ate it.

Eventually it passed although now and again it does cross my mind but you just have to push it to the back of your mind and eat it.. saying that I still have it with tablets lol.

Anyway, try not to worry, and eat.. you will be fine :) xx