View Full Version : Lump in shin

15-10-12, 16:14
Hello everyone! :)

First of all, this is my first post (obviously), I registered about a week ago but I'm finally taking the plunge! So hi!

Basically, I've suffered from HA for about a year now. I turned 21 last week, and it's really starting to take a toll on me, and people around me. I'm always worrying about something or other, cancer is the main thing though. Every single lump and bump I find, it's cancer. Once I've gotten over one lump, I seem to find another one, just like clockwork!

Anyway, I've had a little lump on my shin for about 1 month now, I think. I go through patches of worrying about it, but I'm pretty focused on it right now, and quite scared. The lump itself is pretty small, it's not noticeable and I can only feel it when I look for it. It's quite soft, and moveable with my fingers. It's causing a little pain, but I'm not sure whether that it's because I'm focusing on it or not.

I FINALLY went to the doctors for my HA about 3 weeks ago, but I didn't mention the bump because I wasn't worried about it. He ordered a blood test and everything came back normal.

When I'm not too worried, I'm sure the little lump is a lipoma. I play football twice a week, and I'm pretty active. But the dull pain I'm feeling right now has once again got me worried about bone cancer, once again.

My HA isn't as bad right now as it has been, because I'm seeing a little sense. The lump is small, soft and moveable, and my blood test came back normal. It's more than likely a Lipoma. However, I can't get the thought out of my head. While it wouldn't diagnose cancer, would a blood test show signs of suffering from bone cancer? The dull throb I occasionally feel is a little unnerving...

Sorry for the long post, I didn't mean to type so much. :unsure:

Thanks! :)

16-10-12, 07:34
My son who is 15 has a small moveable bump in his shin, I took him to the doctors as I was freaking out. The dr said it is a sesamoid and perfectly normal.

16-10-12, 14:26
I had this! Same place. My shin. My wife notice it, as it was pretty visible when I was in shorts and putting pressure on the leg.
I wasn't worried about it, but finally one day I had a panic attack and went to the Dr.
It was a lipoma (not lymphoma). A harmless little fatty type of cyst. The Dr wasn't concerned at all. I still have it (2 yrs later). No worries.

16-10-12, 14:48
My mum has had one for 21 Yrs :P. It's just a lump full of a fatty kind of Grizzle. it shows up a lot because she is so thin

16-10-12, 23:13
Thanks for the replies everyone! :D

I couldn't sleep at all last night, because of worry. I've had a pretty busy day though, and played football tonight, and lo and behold, I'm feeling absolutely no pain. But as soon as I got home about 30 minutes ago, remembered about it, the little pain came back! :doh:

I'll definitely mention it to the doctors next time I go, which probably won't be very long., but I'm not as worried as I was, so thanks guys!

Hopefully I'll be able to get some sleep tonight... :)