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View Full Version : Any advice?

08-08-06, 13:51

Just wondering if anyone out there has the same sort of things i'm experiencing now. I have had lots of symptoms of anxiety in the past and have gradually worked my way through them and accepted that there isn't anything wrong with me. 4 weeks ago my sister was diagnosed with type 3 breast cancer and ever since then i've become obsessed. Every little ache or pain I think is cancer related in me. I know that its stupid and I don't mention it to anyone as my family and friends are all pulling together behind my sister. The worst thing i've got at the moment is pins and needles in my pinky and ring finger on the right hand. I've had this on and off for the last two weeks. I keep telling myself its just stress related but then start thinking, "well, what if its M.S"... Its driving me mad when all i want to do is concentrate on my sister and help her through the real life threatening illness she is facing.


08-08-06, 14:01
Hi Tim,

What you experiencing is health anxiety, I used to be really bad always thinking some thing was wrong with me. I had CBT for mine and it really helped me to change my way of thinking, it may be worth speaking to your doctor about this.

Sending positive thoughts to your sister

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

08-08-06, 14:41
Am so sorry to hear about your sister. What you are feeling right now is a normal reaction to news of that kind. Of course, you will be aware of every ache/pain/tingling etc.....You will be strong for your sister and your family, come here to get lots of advice to get you through this awful time. take care and keep in touch xx