View Full Version : Does high BP give symptoms

15-10-12, 20:49
After a recent visit to my doctors, it was discovered that my BP is high.
At the surgery it was 164/104. Ok I was feeling very anxious at the time.
I've been light headed and dizzy for the last 4 weeks, doctor says its an inner ear problem and assured me that my BP isn't causing it, also get a flash in one eye randomly.
I've got to monitor my BP over the next few weeks at home. The lowest reading
I've had is 134/95, but just looking at the machine makes me worry.
Last week I had blood tests and she said the results were fine, my cholestrol was
6.8 and she's not at all worried.

I've been really stressing thinking that its the high BP causing all my symptoms.
Just wondered if anyone else has this?

Thanks for reading xxx

---------- Post added at 20:49 ---------- Previous post was at 18:43 ----------

Anyone please? X

15-10-12, 22:01
Not likely, that is why they say it is a silent disease. Most people don't even know they have high bp.

I think your dizziness and light headedness is due to your anxiety. How often are you checking your bp? If you are checking it too much that can cause the symptoms you describe.

Your numbers are not that high and certainly not high enough for you to notice. Please follow the advice of your doctor and only check as often as he/she tells you to. Overchecking is just going to work you up and cause more anxiety and guess what higher bp.

If your doctor is not worried, then listen to him. I was a constant bp checker due to a few high readings at the docs office and I am now working hard to give it up. The most important thing I have learned is that I need to let my doctor manage this.


15-10-12, 22:28
Hi Ivy
Thanks so much for replying. To be honest im not checking my BP every hour or so, im too scared to see a high reading, in fact i dread doing it. Just looking at the machine starts me off.
Dont know why im so stressed over this as high BP is so easily treated.
Think its the dizzy head and odd flash in the corner of my eye thats the real cause.
I will take your advise and not over check.
Thanks again
Tracie x

16-10-12, 14:01
I agree with Ivy, having had similar numbers to you over the past month. Every time I checked it I was dreading the reading popping up!

But as she also says, these figures are not overly high, and as you rightly say, it is very easily treated!

So just try and relax (easy for someone else to say I know) and put the bp thing to one side.

The more I did this, the lower the numbers became over a few days. I figure that the more I dwell on it the higher it gets.

16-10-12, 14:24
I had something similar to you. My BP was always ok... within the normal range...although the bottom number was around 90, which is boderline.
When I was being tested for life insurance I got a mildly higher reading... 133/90. They re-took it and it was 123/85. A week later I did it myself at a drug store, and it was 160/110. I freaked out. I kept re-taking it, and kept getting similar numbers. The lowest I could get was 148/100. I usually got around 160/105. I was lucky, and got a Dr appt quick, and they had a cardiologist on site. They took my BP, and it was around 145/90, which thye were not too alarmed at. I did a stress test, and the cardiologist said I was ok but out of shape.
I also did a 24 hr monitor. I wore it, and every 30min it took my BP. I was nervous with it, but it showed my BP as pretty normal. I have not taken my own BP since (that was a year ago). Although when I have gone to the Dr, it is usually around 148. I haven't had a check up though.

Bottom line, anxiety can cause the high numbers. I have learned not to check. I would not dream of having a machine at home. It would stress me too much. I would have the Dr check. Maybe, if they suggest, do a 24 hr monitor, as it is more likely you will relax during that time. But try not to worry. It was probably anxiety. You were having surrgery after all!

16-10-12, 14:36
Hi there
Thanks so much for your advice. It's very reassuring to know
That some one else has had readings as high as mine.
I've sat the box with the dreaded machine on the breakfast bar, so
I get used to looking at it without panicking ha ha.
Haven't taken my BP today as I've got terrible tummy pains.
Is your BP normal now? Or are you on meds for it?
Thanks again.

Tracie x

16-10-12, 14:40
I don't know if my BP is normal or not. I refuse to take it myself.
I know last time it was checked, right before I had a colonscopy, it was around 148. But I was super nervous.
I have my annual check up in a month or so, I guess they will check then. I am nervous to check myself, not cause of the numbers but because I don't want to trigger my anxiety.

I am not on meds. The Dr at the time recommended I exercise for 3 months, and take it again. I have been exercising now for 6 months. I know my resting heart rate is lower, and so it my max rate while working out. So it should help my BP.

But I remember thinking it was the biggest deal in the worlds (my BP) and the Dr was not overly concerned at all.

16-10-12, 15:10
Well done on the exercise, I need to get off my butt and do a class or something too.
To be honest I'm scared incase it makes me have a panic attack, would hate that to happen
In the gym!!!
I think it's the bottom numbers that matter with your BP???
The doctor did mention a 24 hr monitor to me, so that will probably be the next stage.
Thank you to you all for helping me out here.

16-10-12, 15:20
I was worried about the bottom number also. That was what freaked me out. But my cardiologist was fine with it. And look, we both almost have the same reading and we were both super anxious.

My cardiologist said "good news. you can excerise", after my stress test. I was in the bottom 5% of population for my age group for fitness.

Start small. I used to jog for 2 or 3 min. And now I can do 45min straight~!

16-10-12, 16:16
Well done Robin-- excercise is good . I cannot do jogging, but I can walk quickly,that better than nothing. it's just being in the mood to get out for me.
Take care all x

16-10-12, 18:04
High BP has no symptoms.

I have had it since I was 30. At the age of 37 it was 180/120 and I began to face up to the fact that I needed medication. The doc sent me for an ECG and I had a range of blood tests including kidney function. All came back ok. He started me off on Bendroflumethiazide (diuretic), Atenolol (beta blocker) and Ramipril (ACE inhibitor). A couple of years later Amlodipine (calcium channel blocker) was added to the daily cocktail and the Ramipril was upped to the maximum dosage. The only side effects I get are from the Bendroflumethiazide - they do what it says on the tin!
My last reading was 135/78 in April. I have a machine but rarely use it for two reasons:

1) It needs recalibrating.
2) Using the bloody thing sends my BP through the roof.

16-10-12, 18:36
Signs and symptoms of elevated blood pressure, can sometimes present themselves, as disturbed vision along with a heavy headache . It is know as the silent killer, due to the high pressure exerted on the arteries, Stop smoking; eat your greens , eat your five a day,and daily exercise will reduce high blood pressure. I wish you all well, and be happy :D

04-11-12, 09:19
If your physician is not concerned, then pay attention to him. I was a continuous bp checker due to a few great parts at the documents workplace and I am now making an effort to provide it up. The most essential factor I have discovered is that I need to let my physician handle this.

oh no_1
04-11-12, 09:20
i am only 26 and had high blood pressure foe 4 yrs now.... and am on blood pressure meducation....
there isnt really any symptoms as such......
it scary though
my docs are rubbish and dont seem to be finding out why

04-11-12, 10:37
The range differs dependent on who you ask. 120/80 is quite normal and even the bottom line which is the more important reading shouldn't be more than 90, but even 90 can be managable to get down.

if you are asthmatic tell your doctor as some BP medication doesn't react well with asthma.

losing weight, exercise, stop smoking will lower the BP and can also lower cholestral.

Mr Brownstone
04-11-12, 13:22
As others have stated, there are ways to get your BP down. I was on lisiniprol for about 3 years, and was a bit overweight (more than I thought tbh). BP was around 145/92 at the start, but with the medication I was averaging about 137/86. Started eating better and doing more exercise. So far lost 20 lbs and my BP is down to 117/70, and thats without the pills. SO it can be done, although Im not saying it works for everyone.

For what its worth, I know 2 people who's BP is/was around 200/120. They are obviously on medication, but im hoping those figures might help other who see 160/100 (as an example), as something to freak out about. Yes its high, but not totally off the chart, but yes, you need to get it seen to as soon as you can.

I actually think having a monitor at home is a good thing. Im more relaxed using it, as theres no one watching over me, waiting to see what numbers come up. To me thats a lot more stressful. If you do it at home, you can take your BP, get a reading, wait 5 minutes or so and take it again. Every single time, without exception, my second reading is always lower, because I stress myself out about the first one. By the time its a regular thing, you are totally chilled out about taking it, and its not so much a "test" as when you take it once every 3 months. Thats my viewpoint anyway.

oh no_1
04-11-12, 14:51
mine was 205/119 last time

fozzy is crying
04-11-12, 19:33
High blood pressure in most but not all cases with go on without you having any symptoms.

However I did get symptoms that my GP jumped on and that was strange and prolonged headaches, mine lasted five weeks, that were nothing like the chronic migraine ones I have suffered all my life. I was already on medication for high blood pressure but it needed to be supplimented with another drug. When checked by my GP my bp was through the roof and a hell of a lot hicher than the reading you quoted. As a belt and braces my GP sent me for a CT scan which he was sure would be negative. As usual he was right. The extra medication rid me of the funny headaches.

My blood pressure is still high but no where nearly as bad as it was. Self checking of your blood pressure is not advised unless your GP asks you to do it and teaches you how to do it right. Most peeps get it wrong and panic as the wrongness gives a false reading. They do it again and get a completely different reading and go in to panic hyper-drive.

As usual my advice is always to go and see the professionals and not rely on self diagnosis or others experiences as we are all different.


04-11-12, 22:00
Thanks to all of you for your replies, it really helps me to stay calm
had too many to drink last night and took my BP it was 146/106 then went down to
143/94. Does alcohol increase your BP?

Also, does anyone know the correct method to taking a reading?

Thanks again everyone, you are all stars xxxx

05-11-12, 09:50
If you take your own BP at home with a wrist BP gadget it will alternatate all the time. My reading at the doctor was higher so he asked me to come in again with my gadget and I took my BP with my gadget and then straight away he did it with the arm pressure BP instrument he had. he wasn't worried if it showed that my BP was higher in the surgery, he just wanted to see if the readings were more or less comparable, which they were.

I would say the wrist gadget might show a slightly lower reading than a doctors but not highly significant.

05-11-12, 11:16
Thanks. I've got an arm monitor but I'm not sure I'm
Doing it correctly.
However, when the doctor does take it, still high readings.
Am going to the doctors this Friday to discuss it.
Think I will be put on medicine to control it.
To be honest I'm very scared.
Thanks again xxx

05-11-12, 20:46
Thanks. I've got an arm monitor but I'm not sure I'm
Doing it correctly.
However, when the doctor does take it, still high readings.
Am going to the doctors this Friday to discuss it.
Think I will be put on medicine to control it.
To be honest I'm very scared.
Thanks again xxx

The mistake many people make is to pull the armband too tight.Anyway don't worry even if he gives you medication it maybe only short term