View Full Version : slightly funny health anxiety story!

15-10-12, 18:56
My health anxiety has been really horrible today, and I had a funny pain on my jaw bone under my chin, and as usual I panicked and googled it (I know!) And had a variety of illnesses, which worried me a lot until I was in the loo and looked in the mirror and noticed a spot. Literally a small spot!

So not cancer then ...

15-10-12, 19:32
Had to laugh,I too am a brilliant google doctor and have diagnosed myself with a range of illnesses in the past!I didn't realise checking your own pulse wasn't normal until I mentioned it to my sister the other day!the joy of having health anxiety......!!x

15-10-12, 20:00
The even stranger thing is even though I know a spot is causing the pain I am still panicking about it. Health anxiety is horrible =[

20-02-13, 19:56
Where do I start !

The time I thought I had mouth cancer due to a black patch inside my cheek. Spent a weekend terrified ( I can't visit doctors due to fear) then woke on the Monday to find it had vanished. Ie the blood blister had burst. I'd bit my cheek.

I'm doing this right now. Pumped full of adrenalin as I thought I'd seen patches in my eyes in the mirror. Having calmed down I realise I might have noticed this reading this web page and it was a reflection.

I'm so ashamed of myself for being like this. Don't know where to start so have been to a counsellor. I'm also terrified of having a high BP. Have no idea what it is as I took it a couple of years back and it was ok. Took it last year in a state of total panic and it read a bit high. I know I should visit the doc and just find out but I'm too scared. What a state.

20-02-13, 20:13
Ha ha, I love that. There's so many of us out there who do exactly the same thing. Dr Google is our worst enemy yet who do we turn to first when we so much as sneeze?

Hope your spot gets better soon! xx

20-02-13, 20:19
Guys we are all in the same boat. Although it's horrible that its happening to us - reading that you all feel the same, almost is comforting!!! Otherwise I feel so alone, and so afraid. Today Ive gone from thinking I have a brain tumour to having an allergic reaction, a PE and now a heart attack! If i didnt laugh id cry! (and i often do!)
Charlotte x

20-02-13, 20:24
Yes think we can all relate to this one, I cringe when I think what I have diagnosed myself with.

20-02-13, 20:35
That is rather amusing. When I was about 13 I was off school with a cold. It came on the news that there was an outbreak of yellow fever. Of course by the end of the broadcast I was convinced I had it. I laugh now every time I think about it. I am lucky because although I did have what u might call "self-inflicted health scares" when I was in my twenties, I have grown out of that. But I must say reading many of the posts here I do relate to people's fears as that is how I was back then.
I wasn't helped by having a mother who used to go on about it if someone she knew was ill. Sometimes it was the "real thing" and people were ill but she put the fear of god into me with being paranoid about some stuff.
I'm not sure if I dare tell u what I was doing after I had a kidney infection and she convinced me that I still had an infection and needed to be really careful! I don't know if I'd feel embarrassed to admit it or just downright stupid!!!!

20-02-13, 20:49
I wouldn't really say I had health anxiety but last weekend I felt a very dry patch of skin on my shoulder and noticed it was peeling off. I panicked and told my husband, convincing myself it might be skin cancer. My hubby checked it and said it's soap off those soap petals you put in the bath! :doh::doh:

21-02-13, 00:07
I once panicked because my legs were blue..... turns out it was just the dye from my jeans :)

Daisy Sue
21-02-13, 00:44
It's good that we can see the humour in our over-active imaginations :)

I think my only anxiety funny was a couple of years back, walking round the supermarket... suddenly I found I couldn't see properly, everything was blurry and I had bright flashes going on in my eyes... panicked like crazy.. went to the ladies loo, and found it was bits of glitter from my eyeshadow that had got onto my eyelashes and a couple of bits in my eyes... :blush: