View Full Version : Feelings of going Crraaaaaaazy!

15-10-12, 19:09
Ooh it's been a tough week. Feeling better now.
Does anyone else have the symptom where they feel they are totally losing it, and almost bursting and can't sit still!! It's horrible!
Got my wonderful Clare Weekes book out and reading through it again.

I hope everyone is doing ok, sending hugs to all. X

15-10-12, 19:35
Absolutely! Feel like it now. Really annoying as I've not felt this bad for ages.Halfway through my 3rd week on prozac and its getting hard. I find breathing exercises can help, in for 3 out for 5. That saying to myself calm, confident and in control.

15-10-12, 20:52
It's horrible isn't it! I find breathing exercises help as well, not tried that mantra, but I will.
It's a bit disheartening all this. Trying to focus on the fact that I'm having good days as well but it's tiring! X x

15-10-12, 21:12
Chin up! Trash TV or some music to take your mind off it. I try to remember I've had good days in the past and so I can have then in the future, that helps relieve the disheartening feelings a bit.

Anxiety really takes it out of you, hard work all this stressing!

15-10-12, 21:18
I get it and it's horrible.. I start tidying up things that don't even need tidying.. And talk about trash TV.. I usually put an Inspector Poirot on to chill me out.. seen them all I don't know how many times :) x

15-10-12, 21:22
I love Poirot to! But my chill out program is Fraser and Emmerdale at the mo :)
K77 - did I read in another post that you have has hypnotherapy? I'm due to try that soon, love to hear your experiences x

15-10-12, 21:44
Starlight - Yep I've been having hypnotherapy. I initially went for it as I was best man for a friend and was scared witless about the speech part. It really helped me and although scared I almost enjoyed it, it's where the calm, confident and in control came from. After sessions I found I've come out feeling lighter, it takes the weight off the shoulders. You hear all and are aware of whats going on but let it flow over you, really relaxing. It's hard to explain what its all about as it will depend on the therapist and what areas you are going to work on. I really recommend giving it a go. If nothing else its an hour of relaxation.