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View Full Version : Mouth Ulcers-Does Anybody Else Suffer-Reassurance?

08-08-06, 14:22
While I was at the doctors today, I asked him why I have had four mouth ulcers in the last four weeks.

He said he would take a look and then checked my glands, back of the throat and looked at my gums to see the ulcers.
He then said they are fresh ulcers and the time to worry is when they come and do not go.
He then said I have another one coming!

I have suffered from ulcers like everybody else has in the past but never four in the four weeks before.

As you can tell my anxiety is doing overdrive even though I have just left the doctors surgery about 60 minutes ago.

Does anybody have any reassurance for me as I need it.


08-08-06, 14:26

I get ulcers all the time. Loads of people do and just don't mention them. Its a very very common symptom of stress. Best thing to do is get something to treat them so they don't hurt so bad and try not to worry.


08-08-06, 16:00

I used to get them all the time and it was usually when my stomach was also upset, also a sign of stress. I also would have many at the same time. Try rinsing your mouth out with salt water and it might help. Hope they clear up soon as I remember how painful they can be.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

08-08-06, 19:15
I get them every couple of months it seems, have since I was a kid. My son has begun to get them also. Mine are linked to stress and citrus fruits. If you tend to eat a lot of acidic foods like tomatoes, oranges etc, try chewing on a Tums or a Rolaids afterwards and swishing it around your mouth. This will neutralize the acids that can cause mouth sores. I've found this helps me a lot. Can't do much for the stress part though [:P]



He who conquers himself has won a greater victory than he who conquers a city.
- Proverbs

08-08-06, 19:37
Hi Tony

I too went through a period where i kept getting mouth ulcer after mouth ulcer and i can relate to your problem. I went to the doctor and she said i was run down and a blood test confirmed that i was running low on zinc in my body. So i started taking zinc capsules from the chemist for a month and since then i have stopped getting frequent mouth ulcers although i get the odd one and when i do i take a zinc capsule to make my mouth healthy again.


11-08-06, 03:47
I get them all the time.Apparently it's a common symptom.
I find using mouthwash gets rid of them and keeps them away. I use Listerine.

Don't believe everything you think.