View Full Version : Hello I am new....

15-10-12, 21:31
... I'm 33, have 3 kids and single.

I was started on fluoxetine 20mg and propranolol 80mg daily 5 weeks ago due to anxiety. It is currently taking over my life for no reason I can think of. I have a real fear of going too far away from my house - my stomach turns in knots and I get uncontrollable urges to go to the toilet (diarrhoaea) I have been off work for the last 5 weeks because of this.
The doctor I am seeing is very helpful and has given me the phone number of a counselling service. I have picked up the phone every day for last 2 weeks but find myself unable to dial the number because I just feel daft.
I was using a search engine and came across this site and decided I would start here.
Thanks for reading if you got to the end.

15-10-12, 21:42
Hi lala8562

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

15-10-12, 22:09
Hi :welcome: I am sure you will get lots of support here but don't feel daft about phoning the counselling service...I would (and have) done it and will be helpful to you :)

15-10-12, 22:24
:welcome: hi you will find help and support here xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

15-10-12, 22:37
Hello, LaLa, sure you will find people to talk to
on here, good you made a start.


16-10-12, 00:00
hi lala

16-10-12, 00:49
Don't feel daft, anxiety is common, and gp's see cases everyday..call the counselling service.

16-10-12, 10:17
Hi and :welcome: There are lots of people on here all experiencing similar issues to you so hopefully you will find some support. don't feel daft about calling the counselling service, they will have spoken to lots of people like you and won't bite!