View Full Version : Chest pain/SADS

15-10-12, 22:25
Ive had anxiety for a while and have had many different types of anxiety based illnesses, I had never had any sort of chest pain whatsoever (apart from the standard palpatations which actually dont bother me too much) until i read a couple of recent news stories about Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. I then read into it more (BIG mistake) and ever since then my anxiety has gone into a new level.

Ive been feeling sick and dizzy constantly, im having palpatations every day that are taking my breath away n then feel like someones pushing down on my chest with stabbing pains in my upper chest and under my rib cage. I also feel like somethings stuck under my rib on the left hand side. My heart also races and then slows down every few hours and i'm not getting to sleep from thinking about it.

I had never heard of SADS before until i read those stories of these girls my age who had flu like symptoms, went to bed feeling unwell and then just never woke up because their heart just stopped. I read more into it and found out there were so many stories of fit and healthy people around my age (23) dropping down dead for no reason whatsoever.

I read that some of them were heredatory, Ive asked my parents and apparantly we have no family history at all of any sort of heart problems/heart disease so that has rested my mind a little bit, however i am still going to the doctors tomorrow to enquire about an ECG.

Has anyone had one of these before? Do you have to go through the NHS or can the doctor do one there and then, i heard it only takes a couple of minutes?

Sorry for the long post but any advice/people feeling the same will make me feel so much better!! Thanks

15-10-12, 22:30
awwwwwww Ella, you've read my post, and I can so relate to you on this one! I am in the US, and my Doctor does the EKG right in her office.I am not sure if it is the same for you. It does not hurt, it only takes a few minutes, and you will feel so much better knowing you are ok! Good Luck, let me know how you did! (I know you will do great!) :hugs:

15-10-12, 22:33
Yeah I dont think our doctors are the same over here, we generally have to be put on a waiting list for months sometimes for the most simple tests. But i will let you know what happens tomorrow anyway! :)

15-10-12, 22:37
Ugh:mad: that stinks! Ok, then I hope you get what your looking for quickly. I'll be thinking of ya.

15-10-12, 23:03
Hi, I hope I can offer you some reassurance.
I am also 23 and suffering from health anxiety, although I am worried about cancer rather than sads (not even googling it as I will find some symptoms!)
Sads is not a common occurrence and, like you mentioned, these people often have underlying conditions which go undiagnosed. If they had ongoing symptoms like the ones you mentioned, they would probably had them checked out, like you are going to, and a cause may have been found.
You are doing the right thing by going to your gp, however I am doubtful they will send you for an ecg in the first instance. They will probably check your pulse and blood pressure first.
I have the strange chest pains which you have mentioned, also only in my left side, where it feels like pressure under my ribs, mines has eased off a lot recently, as had my anxiety, so I have the feeling the two were related. How long have you had this pain?
I hope everything goes ok, worrying about it tonight won't make you feel any better and Google isn't the answer. Try and stay busy tonight, play a game or something, and then get a good nights rest.

16-10-12, 18:02
Hiya, i went to the doctor today and i explained all the symptoms i currently have/have had with the chest pains etc. He checked my blood pressure and said it was fine however didnt check anything else? Just basically asked about my home life/work life/boyfriend all of which are fine.
All he gave me were pills (which are actually for depression i think? -im definitely NOT depressed) and a number for free councilling for anxiety. Anyway the pills he has given me are Fluoxetine which are just another word for Prozac.

Has anyone been on these before? Im REALLY worried about starting any type of pill and ive heard that these can become addictive even though i think its only a small dose. Ive got 20mg taken once a day for a month?
