View Full Version : Do you think anxiety effects a certain type?

16-10-12, 00:03
I was just wondering whether you guys thought certain personality types are more likely to suffer from anxiety? Many of my loved ones have said to me that I get like this because I'm such a deep thinker and that I basically get lost in my worries because I "think too much and too often". I've always been sensitive and a worrier, i'm a bit of a control freak too which I think comes into play with my anxiety as I find it hard to accept that there's so much in the world that I can't effect the outcome of. Would you say your personality lends itself to anxiety? God, the things you think about when trying to distract yourself.

16-10-12, 00:08
I've read it's people that strive to be the best or perfect at all they do, putting pressure on themselves ...
Agree that deep thinkers,worriers too..
And also kind, sensitive people, that perhaps take things to heart too easily....
Guess we need to be more carefree about life !
Anxiety is not a weakness, it's just a sign we have been trying to be strong for too long..

16-10-12, 05:24
I think anxiety and depression might affect people who are smarter, people who deep think a lot.
But I find anxiety is largely genetic, then people can develope it from being stressed or beibg through a stressful event.
I've had mine my whole life and seems genetic with me, but I've heard others gettibg it due to exam stress or breakups or a death of a loved one.
I do think personality can affect anxiety but that anxiety can also affect personality.

16-10-12, 07:30
There's some interesting research been done about 'hyper sensitive personality' these types are more likely to have anxiety. I posted about this the other Day with a link, I can't do it now as I'm on my phone but you could check my past posts if you are interested in it.

16-10-12, 08:43
Excellent answers guys - especially the bit about us being smarter :D I whole heartedly agree!
Seriously I do think some people are prone and others are immune to the effects of stress or have better inbuilt coping mechanisms. There's been alot written about Type A and Type B people - A's are good at planning, organised, timely, controlling, focused and determined, B's being less structured, not as driven and accepting. Most people are a mixture of the two, however I recognise that I am a 'A' type - who are prone to anxiety caused by stress. It may be interesting to do a survey on this and see what types we all are - I'll look into it
Take care