View Full Version : I just give up.....

16-10-12, 08:29
Had a really good week or so - got plenty done and felt really pretty good, and been sleeping well.

I had an important meeting yesterday morning which went well and which I actually enjoyed.

Then from about mid-morning I could feel my mood dipping and found it difficult to knuckle down and get things done.

Then I woke up at 3.00am with a racing heart thinking I was about to die. I lay there feeling like that until just before the alarm went when I drifted into the deepest sleep only to be yanked out of it by the alarm.

Sorry just wanted a rant really. :blush:

16-10-12, 08:49
Don't let it get you down, we all have good day's and bad day's. Get an early night tonight and do not linger on the negative.
People who do not suffer from anxiety/depression sometime's have the day from hell too.

16-10-12, 08:50
Yep, know that feeling oh so well James and it sucks.

I can be feeling really good and 'normal' and then wallop - back to panic city (which is a dangerous slum).

Try to take care of yourself, rest as much as poss, eat well and drink lots of water and carry on as normal - easier said than done I know.

Take care
Love Sam

16-10-12, 10:13
sorry you had a horrid day, but it is just a blip. we all have them, it's important to realise that you don't have to stay that way. As per the advice above, drink plenty of water, rest when you can, do something nice for yourself :hugs:

16-10-12, 10:49
Hi Jamesk, I often find my panic/anxiety peaks AFTER a big event. I mange to hold it together through, say, a meeting then afterwards I get a big anti-climax feeling and BANG! - a panic/anxiety attack hits. Perhaps you were nervous about the meeting and your anxiety only came out afterwards? x

16-10-12, 11:42
I know man, it's really frustrating when we get a set back in our recovery, but it sounds like you are doing great so don't allow these to undo the good work and progress your making.

Like me I think we jujst have to accept that there will be some not so good days, but we can cope with them and know that they will pass.

best wishes
