View Full Version : changing from citalopram to sertraline

16-10-12, 14:55
Hi all
I last came on here in feb as i felt i was reasdy to come off my current meds fluoxitne and felt so bad had to go striaght back on them. My gp then decided to put me on citalopram working me way up to current dose 30mg.
I have recently had 3 panic attacks and feel bloody awfull to put it mildly. so once again change of meds and some therapy. The change is what I am struggling with. I have gone down to 20mg for 2 days and on day 3 which is 10mg for 2 days then on sertraline!!!
what is the side effecys and what is me and my anxiety panic attacks. Any one got any advise ????
I have a foggy feel in my head it's like I am either drunk or on some thing my head is just not my own !!!!
I feel panicky, faint and not good x x

16-10-12, 16:59
Why did your doctor change you over to Citalopram if Fluoxetine had worked for you before? Did it not work when you tried to go back on it?

I changed over from Citalopram to Sertraline as I just felt dizzy, foggy and spaced out all the time on the Cit. I did the same, went down to 10mg and then switched straight over to Sert. I did have about a week feeling quite crap and my anxiety was high but it settles down quickly, i think it was probably my body getting used to not having any Citalopram. Ive been on Sertraline for over 3 weeks now and i dont feel to bad, i dont feel back to my normal self by any means but i feel like im on the mend.

Hope it all works out ok for you.

16-10-12, 17:55
Thank you for sharing your experince it gives me a feeling of normality if that is at all possible to know someone else is experiencing the same.

when dr said i need to go back on something in feb I said was there anything else. I had some side effects with fluoxitene and thought if I could I would aviod having them again that being a foggy head and terrible heartburn enought to have another lot of meds for heartburn. He then suggested citalopram and i have never felt right on them.

I am just at the point of asking why oh why do we take these in the first place. Then i remember yes you need them but I hate this feeling. my phrase is "my head isn't my own " !!!

The feeling of not being able to do anything to help is the bad thing foggy/drunk/drugged and many more phrases can explain this feeling.