View Full Version : Nose Bleed!

16-10-12, 16:27
Crap! I've just a nose bleed out of nowhere and I'm a little freaked. I hadn't been touching my nose and I just gave a little sniff and it was gushing - didn't stop for 5 mins or so. Normally it wouldn't bother me but because I've been having a problem with breathing and a tightness in my left lung........ :ohmy:! Sorry if TMI but I'm still bringing blood up from my throat. I'm now being very irrational and thinking OMG - what if the blood is from my lung! I know that's not possible (but it could be :wacko:) - I hate HA! xx

16-10-12, 16:35
try not to worry about the nose bleed, my friend has them all the time and shes fine ,and I would think the blood in your throat will be because of your nose bleed ,I also have HA so I no how hard it is to stop thinking horrible things I get worse when my anxiety is high im sure you will be okay xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:hugs:

16-10-12, 16:41
I went through this also. I was stressed about a swollen lymph node in my neck. Well out of the blue I started getting nose bleeds.

Sometimes it happens. And the nose is slow to heal, since it is moist. So you are likely to get a cluster together before it gets fully better. Very normal and nothing to worry about.