View Full Version : New and maybe now depressed??

16-10-12, 16:28
Hi Everyone!

I have been surfing these forums for a while now but now I need some reassurance myself. I have suffered from panic attacks/anxiety for the last 10 years on and off. I have tried to be off medication but something always triggers my attacks again and I can't get a hold of them but to go back on medication.

This recent time I started taking Prozac. Im starting to feel worse than better but I know it has only been a week. I have no appetite and am having stomach issues. I even have been having some self harm thoughts which seem to happen every time I restart my medication.

Does this happen to anyone else? Am I depressed too? Im worried that Im going crazy. How did you get through the first weeks of medication?

16-10-12, 17:26
Hi Kcam11,

So sorry to hear your going through rough time, it takes time for the medication to kick in, can take up to 6 weeks. it sounds like your anxiety causing you to have no appetite, try and eat something. keep posting on here, take one day at a time.

hope you start to feel better soon. :hugs:

16-10-12, 17:40

Anxiety and panic do lead to depression after a while in a lot of people because they're so exhausting and debilitating.
I've been on Prozac on and off for 9 years now and in the start up period - up to 8 weeks do get more depressed and start ruminating more than when not on meds. This does pass though its just a question of finding what helps you get through those few weeks. I find planning something to do each day, resting as much as possible, eating healthy food - even if its only a small amount, drinking lots of water and watching trashy tv, reading and walking all help me.
Send you hugs
Take care
Love Sam