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View Full Version : Smear test fear!!!

16-10-12, 17:57

This is my first post on here and to this website - its so reassuring knowing there are people with the same fears as you, it almost puts your mind at rest! I just wanted to put this out there, I've just been for a re-smear as 3 months ago I bled quite a bit and they couldn't read the results. I went back today and bled again, nowhere near as much as before and the nurse (who was lovely) said she got enough hopefully for a result. She said my cervix looked normal and for me not to worry. BUT OF COURSE, I am now building myself into a frenzie!! I've never bled like this with a smear beofre, and every other smear has been normal (i'm 32). Has anyone experienced anything like this before? I would appreciate some feedback.

I thank you in advance.


16-10-12, 18:57
Hi and welcome..
Have you bled any other time? After sex? Etc
Smear tests can cause bleeding... I get it, but then with me, it's due to having a colposcopy some years back, meaning mr cervex is quite scarred..
It's hard not to worry I know, but you can't do anymore than your doing, and have to await results now...

16-10-12, 19:55
hi, thanks for posting back. No i've never had bleeding after sex, periods regular as clockwork! I think i just need to relax (god so much easier said than done) and await the results. Thank you so much for your advice x

16-10-12, 20:13
I agree that relaxation (during and after) is key. Being tense may be why you bled. Or it could be something as simple as a less practiced nurse - the first time I had my smear I had a nurse who didn't usually do them, so the experience wasn't pleasant and I did bleed a little. From then on I've had a very experienced nurse, and haven't bled since. Don't forget also that they take a tiny sample, relatively speaking, so a very little blood indeed would be enough to contaminate it.

16-10-12, 20:16
I'm sure it's probably just the actual smear then that's causing it... I had major bleeding after sex, which was a sign of a problem for me.. And I had cin3, .. Hence the colposcopy ...that was 15yrs ago, so even if there is slight changes in cells, it can be sorted when caught early...