View Full Version : cold turkey - citalopram

16-10-12, 22:33
Hi there, just joined about 10 mins ago, after reading info about coming off citalopram, 5 days into cold turkey, perhaps not the best way to do it, but reason is have not got enough money to buy the prescription, i,m on statins as well, so i get paid this friday, so might go back on cits.
anyway, hows it going, feeling very fuzzy, like if i turn my head quickly it seems that may brain moves but the head is still in same place. mood swings,not good especially with the ones closest to me,tired short tempered, last night i blew over something and nothing and kicked a door through (only a storage cupboard door the one have under the stairs). At work i seem to be keeping it together but we shall see. I,v been on citalopram for about 6/7 years 20mg for anxiety, so will keep up to date with my progress.

16-10-12, 22:44
Welcome to the forums. If you're on a low income, you might qualify for free prescriptions, see this link (http://www.nhs.uk/NHSEngland/Healthcosts/Pages/Prescriptioncosts.aspx). As you're on statins as well, you might be better off getting a prepayment certificate (if you don't qualify for free prescriptions). Please try and get help as I hate to see anyone suffering due to lack of money. :weep:

16-10-12, 22:44
Hi bignev

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

fozzy is crying
16-10-12, 22:58

17-10-12, 01:38
Hey man, welcome1, sounds like youre doin it tough with cold turkey stuff, when I came off them, I went down to 10mg per day then 10 mg every second day, (you still feel bit crap, but not as bad as just stopping suddenly)

That was 2 years ago and just went back on them last couple days, just gonna take 10mg this time aroung to take edge off anxiety and low moods.

All the best, Steph:)

little scientist
17-10-12, 19:37
Was going to suggest the prepayment certificate myself, I have one and pay just over £10 a month, which saves me quite a lot of money than if I were to pay for each prescription individually.

The other thing some doctors will do (but it depends on your GP) is put more than one item on a prescription. For example, I used to get two of the same inhalers issued on one script, but only paid one charge.