View Full Version : I got the job =) hehe

16-10-12, 22:49

Okay so a few weeks ago i went for an interview at a local Kennels/Cattery and I am so pleased to say I got the job! Super happy! Working Sundays part time which is awesome

Started seeing a counselor too as my psychologist with CAMHS ditched me as I am turning 18 next week (yes i am saying ditched as she literally sent me a letter saying she can no longer see me due to my age and that she wished me luck for the future without making sure i was settled with another counselor! CHEEKY!) , and i am getting on well with her. Learning CBT and how to stop my negative thinking - i find it hard some days and moments but i'm getting there =)

i just wanted to share my good news with you in the hope it'll inspire ya =)

I am now going by a quote that made me smile a few weeks ago and seemed to fit my situation and will probably fit your situations too -

"Life's struggles are called hurdles for a reason - You can always get over them"


fozzy is crying
16-10-12, 22:56
Well done. I am so pleased for you.



eternally optimistic
16-10-12, 23:06

Well done on the job - that will be good for you and such a nice job too.

Good luck and enjoy....:yesyes:

16-10-12, 23:26

Well done and congratulations. Sounds like a fantastic job, something I'd be interested in doing. All the best with it. :)

Take care



16-10-12, 23:36
thanks everyone xx

16-10-12, 23:37
Congratulations! Sounds like a lovely job!

17-10-12, 07:41
Looks as though things are finally looking up for you. You have put in a lot of effort in order to overcome your anxiety. Very well done.

17-10-12, 09:31
Brilliant news and a great quote.

It's great you are finding CBT helpful - the whole business with CAMHS is bloomin irresponsible but I'm not that surprised from experience. You stop being an adolescent at 18 now do you? That's not the accepted world health organisation definition which says 19, but hey ho - you have a counsellor who you can stick with now and not be too old for :D- so that's great.

I'm sure the harder days become less frequent and easier the more confident you become.

love and hugs


17-10-12, 10:05
Great news Well done :yahoo:

17-10-12, 10:32
thanks everyone! Yeh i recommend that if you are with Camhs and are in 18 in a year or so then get changing now because they DON'T help you at all the year you turn 18

17-10-12, 15:11
Well done! :yahoo:

17-10-12, 16:38
Huge congrats - and what a wonderful place to work at. I wouldn't be allowed to work at a place like that because I would bring all the gorgeous kitties home. Good luck. xx