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17-10-12, 03:38
Hello everyone! My name is Jim and I have been dealing with some funny physical symptoms lately that all lingered after getting some kind of weird flu. My gp has it pegged as anxiety but has yet to officaly "diagnose" me so to speak. I've always dealt with stress but have never reacted in physical ways like this. In truth I've only been feeling truly "scared" and thinking "illogicaly" about my health and possible diseases ever since he said that, not before.

Here is the thing, around the time this all started I have been having trouble at work, change in boss and loads of stress followed. Everyday I didn't look foward to going. All week was full of stress I suppose. Also I've been nearly chewing my arm off trying to make some tough career changing uni decisions next year. On top of that my househould environment has been very tightly wound and stressing and making me feel uncomfortable to even come home. I'm planning to move out but lately its felt less and less like a reality and more like a fleeted dream. I've been having financial issues that I can never seem to get on top of, and on top of ALL that, I had a death in the family at the beginning of the year thanks to cancer, and for lack of wanting to talk about it lets just say I actually watched the final moments with my own eyes. Like the very final moments.

All this stuff has been stressfull, but then I got sick, and then some symptoms started to show, and THEN my gp assumed anxiety without ever really giving me a definitive answer.

What I can't get my head around is howcome the physical manifestations are so real and so lingering as it is there even on days when I feel mentally fine. Is it possible subconciously I am still wound up and just dont realise it? Its true everyday I fear for my health but its ONLY because the symptoms started first, you see? not worry followed by symptoms. If anything this all started when I actually got sick. And even though I'm better now, because alot of these symptoms won't go I find myself second guessing my gp :blush:

Can HA work this way?

Thanks anyone for answers with experience in this matter. :)

17-10-12, 04:13
What symptoms are you getting?
Has your GP done some blood work ? It's pretty routiene just to rule out other causes.

Anxiety can cause, headaches, aches and pains, racing heart, dizziness, numbness, feeling strange, tired, lack of appetite etc . .

17-10-12, 04:27
Hi! Thanks for replying!

To answer your question I've been getting headaches, eye aches (if that's a word..just sore tired eyes in general), have been tired and feeling out of it, and weak funny feeling muscles. Mostly in my arms, legs and fingers.

My doctor did do a blood test and found nothing out of the ordinary. (He did an extensive set including serology) apart from what he called raised infection levels which he then said was normal when you get a virus. But it's been a few weeks now since then and some of these thigs aren't going away. They are worse when I worry about them and it hasn't stopped me training for an upcoming match, as I haven't "lost strength" or anything. So far as I can tell.

Is it possible my mind is still just worked up and causing these symptoms even though I feel some days I do get plenty of rest and calm down? It's been more than a month since this began and I don't feel like I'm getting worse or anything. Some days I feel fine apart from just some funny feelings in my body.

Very strange and unusual for me but then again I have been through a lot this year and I'm hoping there is a simple explanation for all this. I wish I could stop thinking the worst and start trusting my GP's word! I just feel like be keeps his cards close to his chest and I worry he's concerned and not telling me. But then again I may be reading to much into it.

17-10-12, 08:24
My anxiety symptoms started 12 years ago, straight after getting the flu.

My symptoms was headaches and up until this time of my life I was fine and was able to cope with everyday stress.

I was then diagnosed with anxiety.

It's more possible a build up of stress causes it was for me.

17-10-12, 09:07
My anxiety began after a very stressful four years. It only began after everything had settled down in my life and I was feeling very content. I was told that anxiety doesnt just happen, it is a build up of stress over a long period of time. Try not to spend too much time asking why and looking for reasons. My advice would be to try to be kind to yourself, try some relaxation exercises. Anxiety can take on many forms. Physical symptoms can be so intense and believe me, all the symptoms can linger for a long time. I know it is hard not to worry, but this will just add to the vicious circle that anxiety is. Mine started with tingling and numbness in my hands, tightness in my chest and I was convinced I was suffering from some sort of heart trouble. The important thing is to remember that anxiety cannot harm you.

17-10-12, 10:43

This is like a endless loop. If you are physically ill leave that to the doctors and believe them. It sounds to me like your mind is now creating its own symptoms and keeping you in the cycle. If I was you I would throw everthing you know at trying to remove the stresses you can control. The mental stress will continue while ever you are ruminating about the possible cause.

I think it is difficult to identify what came first the anxiety or the symptoms. With all the worries running round your head at the moment your body will try to protect yourself from what it thinks is a threat and it will cause a huge range of symptoms. The symptoms cause worry and the worry causes symptoms. You need time out to allow your nervous system time to recover. It is warning you.

The problem can be that people take time out from life and work to relax but this can have the opposite effect allowing you to ruminate even more. I feel it is important to occupy your mind with things that you do not find stressful but find stimulating. Don't just take time off and sit at home you will make things a lot worse. Medication is also a final lifeline for some but as you get psychologically dependant on them and they goiver a lot of side effects which bring more worries, I would stay off them except for propranolol which is very effective with very few symptoms.

Go for a walk with someone who you enjoy there company, read a book, do a hobby. Just forget your worries. I find it is pointless worrying about the things you cant do anything about, eg health, easy said than done.

Take Care Mate


18-10-12, 14:36
I can relate to what your saying Jim, I have had a few months of anxiety and thankfully I have calmed right down with medication and time, even tho im feeling a lot better I still have symptoms of pains in my left upper back which has been there since day one of my anxiety tho this has subsided slightly, tingling and numb legs arms and hands all down left side off and on, its very frustrating as when I dont worry for a few days they are still there. this in turn gets you into the cycle as the symptoms scare me and they get stronger the more worried you become, im really trying to just let them come and think they will not do me any harm, Ive been to four different docs at my surgery and Im sure theyre sick looking at me.off work for 5 weeks and hope to go back soon, hopefully the symptoms will go a little every day, good luck