View Full Version : Now I am worried.....What do I do?

17-10-12, 04:45
Hi all

As a few of you will know my anxiety came back the other week. Well it has started to stop me from leaving my house now....But that is not just it! It has also starting to stop me from wanting people even near me. It is near 5am here and my daughter is being picked up by my Mum at 7.30am. I am so worried about my Mum coming round.......Last time I had a bad spell of nerves I started to look forward to my Mum coming round.......What is happening as I am starting to worry!!??


17-10-12, 05:33
I'm sorry you're having such a hard time.
I was very much the same, and it happened very quickly. If you can get yourself to see your doctor, it would be a really good idea to try and nip it in the bud. The one thing I learned in the last few months is that it is easy for the anxiety to want to become the norm. For me, a combo of meds and councelling were what helped me start to break the cycle. If anything, I wish I had started down that path more quickly. Not only is the anxiety exhausting, but it's really important to do everything you can to try to break the cycle of being afraid of it.
I am still struggling with being out in busy places, but find, at least for myself, it's important to keep up regular activities as much as possible. Not to say push too hard, but as much as you are able to.
I had trouble being around family because I wasn't feeling in control, was scared as well as embarrassed. But once I came to terms with what was going on, and started to feel more in control, any fear of being around family quickly faded.

17-10-12, 07:34
I fully understand your situation and am in total agreement with flossie11, if you seek help now you stand a much better chance of making a full recovery sooner rather than later.
If you don't feel up to going to the doctors surgery, telephone and ask for a phone consultation appointment. Medication may help you and also a course of CBT. If you can't get out of the house for CBT, check out No Panic.org, you can join for an annual membership fee of £12 and they do a course of telephone recovery CBT. I joined a couple of weeks ago, I phoned them up and asked to be put on the phone recovery group CBT course waiting list. I have a friend who is doing it and she is finding it really helpful.

17-10-12, 09:25
Hi Godzilla, I sympatise with you as I can remember dreading my sister coming to visit me and panicking if anyone was coming to the house. The others are right, the sooner you can get some help the sooner you will be on the way to recovery. I found that a combination of drugs and therapy very helpful. I would fully recommend No Panic. The telephone recovery courses are very good and certainly helped me. If I remember I think you can do it as part of a group or on a one to one basis. I did the one to one. Also they run helplines which are open from 10am - 10pm. The helpliners are mostly people who have suffered themselves and are very knowledgeable and helpful. I honestly dont know what I would have done without the help of no panic, and I am convinced that I own my recovery to one particular helpliner who helped me to understand how anxiety works and taught me techniques to overcome it.

17-10-12, 09:40
Thank you so much......I thought it was just me! I was awake most of the night thinking 'What do I do when Mum comes round to pick my daughter up' There is a little woodland behind my house I was even thinking of going out with the dog and kind of hiding in there till she had been and gone. I feel I can be totally honest on here. I am sleeping with my clothes on and light on just in case I need to run out quickly. These feelings are just horrid as my sleep is not the best. I have also found I am hardly eating anything, maybe a bit of toast during the day and in the evening some cereal. I am going to call the Dr's now......I will let you know progress as soon as I have heard back. Thanks again.

17-10-12, 13:01
Just calm down and close your eyes for 5 minutes and forgot your anxiety.

17-10-12, 13:13
Update!! Dr has prescribed me Trazadone. So I have to use this along with Citalopram, Diazepam and Clonazepam.......For those in the States that is Celexa, Valium and Klonopin.

I have been looking through this forum and found a big article on Magnesium.....Going to give that a go as well!!

17-10-12, 17:54
I am so glad you managed to get to the dr. Good for you! That's great news. Sounds like there are some great therapy options people in this thread have mentioned. Would be great for you to look into some of those. I'm a firm believer in the med/therapy combo. :)
Magnesium, zinc, and a good b vitamin are a good idea, especially if you are finding you're not eating well.
I am the same when not feeling my best.
Congrats on taking the first step on tackling this thing. :)