View Full Version : Heart anxiety?

17-10-12, 07:06
Hi all, just need some advise please.

Had a stress test done last week and the nurse said I'm ok so just need to stop smoking and exercise more. Good news!

So why is it I can't shake these negative thoughts? Now had and ECG and stress test all come back ok, so why this morning do I have another panic? Pressure on chest, dizzy heart racing.

Man this needs to stop!

17-10-12, 08:07
Sounds like you could do with your anxiety treating, have you been referred for any therapy eg cbt or are you on any medication?

17-10-12, 08:43
Seeing a councillor, and have discussed cbt just waiting to visit a local centre. Not on any meds.

Why can't my head realise that I have has these tests and my heart is ok?!

17-10-12, 08:46
It won't happen overnight you need to retrain your brain and that takes time, cbt can teach you techniques to do this. Also now you know you are ok, try to let go of those negative thoughts. This is a skill, but you will master it overtime. Once you can do this the thoughts should reduce and you become better at recognising them and being able to let them pass x

17-10-12, 09:13
Debbsi is right. It is a question of retraining you brain. Your high level of anxiety and stress levels will be sending signals to your brain telling it that there is something to worry about. One of the best pieces of advice I was ever given was that the content of the thoughts are not important, they are just anxiety thoughts. Once you learn to let them go and not ruminate on them they will reduce. x

17-10-12, 13:06
Debbsi, Harley thank you for your replies x

17-10-12, 14:10
know how you feel, havnt had this in ages, but these symptoms the same as yours have come back with a bang :( heart keeps racing . think i must have drank a gallon of water today as its the only thing that calms me down.... probably not a bad thing lol x