View Full Version : They come back

17-10-12, 09:00
Grrr...for god sake, Been under quite a bit of stress lately and I stupidly starting smoking (had given up for 3 yrs) only a couple a day for about 3 weeks, and it's started me off again, I didn't realise it was a trigger for the HA and PA, I've stopped now but now I'm completely convinced I've ruined all the good work I did giving up so angry

17-10-12, 09:34
Don't beat yourself up, you are only human.:)
Just concentrate on getting yourself better, remember all the positive steps you took last time to overcome your HA and PA, put those steps into practice and move forward.

17-10-12, 23:11
Totally agree with BobbyDog - you can't change what has happened but you can move forward.
I do think that smoking is a trigger for PA - in fact I quit after I became agoraphobic back in 2000 because I was convinced that smoking was the cause. then I stupidly started 18 months later and have been smoking since - yup I am pretty stupid!

We all have coping mechanisms when we are stressed so don't be hard on yourself - you can get back to where you were before