View Full Version : Everythings a drama!

17-10-12, 09:11
Alately (last month or so) I've been on one of my 'everything is a drama' phases, where if there is a possibility of disaster it is certain to happen (I call it 'Spikie's Law of inverse rationallity').

So... actually I'm not sure I can say specifics as just thinking of phrasing it is making me very anxious... let's just say I'm experiencing situations where, if another party was incredibly vindictive, was content to cut their nose off to spite their face... ok, anxiety setting in again... I'll leave it as 'My irrational side is certain a disaster to my finances and reputation is incoming' while my logical rational side is equally sure the chances of it are so remote as to be beyond lottery odds (in fact, almost approaching impossible. There, I've jinxed it now! :ohmy:).

Before this it was something else, then something else. After this (which I nearly have beat, my rational side is winning out slowly but surely) it will be something else.

The panic started about a week after I had done a tough race, while I was resting and had a cold, therefore I think I have my answer - I need to get running again. But I'm still ill, made up with cold (a month... don't think I haven't stressed about that too!), so I can't run or do anything strenuous.

Any suggestions as to how I can keep this in check till I'm able to run again? Some days I almost get no work done as I'm just assuming it will all be wrong (but if I take holiday I'm afraid sitting on my own for 9 hours will make me... less stable. I'm anxious around people, but they do keep me from stressing about other things, as does work).