View Full Version : Anxiety/Panic

17-10-12, 09:33
Hi all

I am wondering if anyone else has anxiety/panic over the same issues as me. The thing is, my main problem seems to be over people leaving/endings etc. They make me really, really anxious even if their leaving will have no impact on my life. I just hate it. Sorry if this sounds mad but its just how I feel and because I have no control over it, this makes the panic worse because I can't do anything about it. I have suffered this on and off for years (although there have been times when it hasn't bothered me and I have been "normal"). My current problems started a few months ago when my son was about to leave for uni - I was in one heck of a state with anxiety and panic attacks through the night, every night. That settled a bit, but now its back. The thing is, he's only away for a maximum of 3 nights so I look forward to him coming home but then on a Sunday, when he's due to go back on the Monday, it starts again. He's home this week but I'm already anxious about him going back next week. Its not as if I have nothing in my life - I live with my husband whose understanding and my daughter who lives not far away. I also have a job so I realise I'm lucky in lots of ways its just that I seem to have to be occupied all the time or I get anxious thoughts of eventually being left on my own - I sometimes get really panicy over my husband leaving for work because he leaves before me. I am on anti-depressants (and have been for years), they are the older type ones and my GP has suggested changing for the newer SSRI ones but I am relucant to do this because I had them before and they made the anxiety much worse. Sorry if this post is long and I know it sounds mad but I could really do with some advice.

17-10-12, 10:11
Hi Louise...I am the same. I have 3 children all have been to uni and have left home. I was terrible when they came home from uni for holidays and got anxious and cried every time they went back. Now they are older I am not so bad but even though they all have their own homes now I still ask them to call me when they get home so I know they are safe. I remember when my oldest was 4 and she went on her first school trip...only a day trip! and I cried when I saw the coach drive away. I have older anti-depressants too...dosulipin. x

17-10-12, 11:00
Hi Annie

Thank you for your reply. Its comforting to know that someone else has been through the same thing. I thought I would be ok once he'd initially gone but now unfortunately it seems as if its going to be every time he goes back. At least I know it could get better over time, its just so hard to deal with at the time. My anti-depressants are Lofepramine/Gaminil xx

18-10-12, 02:52
Hi Louise

My current bout of anxiety related illness has been promoted by my song going to Uni I think. I've suffered for 23 years with panic and anxiety and it peaks and troughs. I knew I was "getting ill" if you like, for a while but it really got worse when he went away. My son has Asperger syndrome (as do I) and I'm very close to him because we "get" each other. So I miss him dreadfully and I'm worried about him as well. I have 2 older boys who live in London and I ask them to text me when they have been out at night etc. I'm sure I must be a nuisance to them :-(

I'm waiting for a mental health appointment and will probably go back on escitalopram which I came off 3 years ago when pregnant.

Hope you feel better soon xx

18-10-12, 09:32
I actually posted a similar post to this last night as I was worrying about my son and daughter travelling last night. You may like to look it up and read it as others posted on the thread. It shows we are not alone in these worries.