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17-10-12, 16:26
hi i am suffering form post natal depression which had led to panic and anxiety atacks for the past 5 wks since i had my baby i also have a six yr old autistic boy and im currently on setreline 50mg started them sat just gone my panic and anxiety has put a hold on loking and spaeaking to my 5 wk old everytim i look at her i get a panic attack and i dnt know why at the mo i dont feel anything for her:weep:

17-10-12, 16:57
Hi really sorry to here bad at the moment ,have you spoken to anyone about this , like your gp or health visitor I think you should ,its hard when you got a new baby and ontop of this your son is autistic which I no is hard as my nephew is also autistic you have alot to cope with but hopefully your meds will start to help you ,but if you still feel bad go and see your gp hope you feel better soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:bighug1:

17-10-12, 18:20
Hi, I too suffered panic attacks and anxiety after each my children were born. Please speak to your GP or health visitor as the sooner you get help the sooner you will recover from them.

18-10-12, 08:51
i have spoke to my hv but she just saids its normal but i ddnt feel like this wen she was born it breaks my heart to c i go no feelings about my children my daughter has jst started to smile abnd wen i talk to her thats wen the panic attacks start been on new meds since sat setreline50mg

27-10-12, 13:33
Losing feelings for your kids is a common theme when you are depressed. I was quite alarmed at my lack of interest in my own kids (as well as no interest in anything else) when I felt bad. I was helped by Sertraline, but it took around four weeks before I started to feel any benefit. If you are still really concerned and don't feel you are getting anywhere with the health visitor I would contact your GP instead. I just battled on trying to do my best for the kids even though the feelings weren't there and eventually they came back when the treatment started to take effect.

Tyke :)