View Full Version : Panic attack????

17-10-12, 17:03
So the last 9 days have been amazing. Especially since Sunday. I have been to my sisters for tea in the evening and done so much and felt so capable. I didn't leave my house yesterday as I didn't have any reason to leave and did stay distracted the day. I have felt anxiety creeping in today and just popped out for petrol which was fine and I spotted a friend that I haven't seen in a while. I pulled over for a chat and she jumped in the car and I didn't even think about anxiety etc. I then said goodbye as she went and we did touch upon some subjects like my ex bf etc and just general town gossip (she always knows the ins and outs of everyone's business lol) I then drove off and as I did so I felt a strange wave from nowhere overcome me. My palms immediately sweated and I felt a cold sensation rush through my legs and my heart was beating and I just became really distant. I distracted and kept focused on the driving etc and it did pass quickly but I know feel headachey and abit spaced out and sick. Does this sound like a panic attack and I just don't understand the randomness of it. I am startimg to finally relax.

17-10-12, 17:10
I would say defo panic lu, just ride it out, you are doing great, try not to focus on it. X

---------- Post added at 17:10 ---------- Previous post was at 17:07 ----------

I think we get so freaked out cos it's so random, if we can't explain why we get it we stress, try and think along the lines if, it doesn't matter why it when it happens, if it happens I will cope with it. Xxx

17-10-12, 17:36
It sounds like an anxiety attack more than a panic attack to me and yes they can be completely random like that.

17-10-12, 17:57
It does sound like an anxiety attack..but hey look how well you have been doing!! It is early days since your bad bout of anxiety so expect little set backs but you have more positives in the past week than negatives so that is great and you are getting there! Today hasn't been too good for me so as a typical English woman I am blaming it on the weather!! I don't know what it is like in Wales today but in North East England it has been a really dark, depressing day..I also have a bit of a sore throat so I am trying to tell myself that even someone who doesn't have anxiety will have down days :) Pleased you are starting to relax again..you are doing brilliant :hugs:

17-10-12, 18:08
Thank you everyone! Can you specify the difference between and axniety and panic attack. I always used to see them differently..Panic attack is pure impendind doom "I am about to die" anxiety although scary...less intense? I feel abit depressed by it tbh. The weather has been ok today! I am just going to have a nice relaxing evening and get on with my knitting lol. Everyone definitely has their bad days Annie. xx

17-10-12, 18:12
No, anxiety can be very intense and feeling of impending doom etc. Panic attack is when you are over breathing and possibly hyperventilating..literally panicking!

17-10-12, 18:22
Well it just felt like the beginning of an attack. Fast heart beat,dizzy head,weird rush of adrenaline etc. But it passed because I just kept driving and didn't dwell or let it have the power but it still made me feel anxious afterwards and now I feel ok but always have that cautious feeling. So annoying.

17-10-12, 18:24
I don't know the "proper" definition, but in me I class anxiety attacks as a mental thing (with a bit of stomach-clenching thrown in usually to mix things up a bit lol) and panic attacks as full-on mental + physical affairs, with the heart racing, shaking, rapid breathing etc.

I thought you'd been quiet and hoped it meant you were having a good week Lu. Don't let today worry you - there could be any number of reasons and in reality none of them are important. The important thing is that you identify it as anxiety, know that it can't hurt you, and don't let it stop your progress :)

17-10-12, 18:26
For me I think a panic attack is better because I know it won't last long whereas an anxiety attack can last for days, weeks or longer :( My hubby is just making me a cup of chamomile tea and i am going to try to relax...My son is driving to Leeds from Surrey so I am anxious about that tonight!

17-10-12, 18:34
I have had a really good week. I have felt the closest to normal in 8 weeks. I really have been living at a managable level. I have moments but they just seem easier to dismiss. I am due to have the man I have been seeing over for a takeway and dvd tonight and I think that has been playing on my mind all day and is making me anxious so unfortunately I have had to cancel. I just don't feel like I am up for that tonight to be honest. Probably not the best decsion but I just feel so tired tha I doubt I would be much company anyway. Like Laura said too. I think when things are going well I get anxious as to when it will just pop back up! I definitely won't view this as a setback. I will continue doing what I'm doing. I maybe pushing myself abit too much. I was even considering work again on Monday but I don't think I am ready now. I also think my time of the month is due in about 10 days so could be at a funny hormone time today lol. xx

17-10-12, 18:42
I think considering work on Monday is a bit soon for you...I always say I think I need at least 1 anxiety free week before I consider going back. Would you be able to go back on a phased return? That is what my doctor has told me to do. x

17-10-12, 19:13
Looking back I think that I used to suffer more anxiety attacks than actual panic attacks. Try not to dwell on it and just accept it. Remember the road to recovery is up and down and never straightforward. Also when you feel well try not to worry about if the horrible symptoms will return again, just enjoy the feeling of being normal and relaxed. Who knows what thoughts pop into our subconscious that give us those horrible feelings. Best to just accept them for what they are, nothing more than feelings. Keep accepting them and give then no attention and eventually they will be gone for ever.