View Full Version : Panic attack and blood pressure spiking

17-10-12, 19:25
Hello Everyone,

A few months ago during a panic attack at home I felt a pressure in my head, got an instant headache and was really aware of my pulse beating. When I looked in the mirror, my face, neck and arms were like the colour of beetroot.

Panicking more I went to my friend/neighbours as I didn't feel well and was frightened something was going to happen. when she saw me she said.. your bright red! and I just sat with a glass of cool water.

Ealier today I got into a little bit of a panic and sort of felt it coming on again.. luckily my panic didn't escalate but wondered if anyone else has these spikes. I have a monitor as I have moderate high pressure anyway and have to monitor it but I dare not check it when I feel like that.

Big thanks x

17-10-12, 19:33
Hiya Miss D,

First of all I am sorry this has happened to you, but I can relate to the red rose color. With my first panic attack my face went beetroot red and I nearly died of shock because I didn't know why I was that color. It is Anxiety playing up. I usually go very red in the face and arms during an attack and my Doctor reassured me that this was normal and that there was nothing to worry about. I hope you can get yourself into the mind frame where you can accept that this is panic kicking in and hopefully calm down a little :)

17-10-12, 19:48
Hello you :)

Thanks for that.. I think I am just frightened incase it happened again. I dare not check it when I feel like that.

How has your day been today? x

17-10-12, 19:52
Hello :)

I know how frightened you are right now because I was going insane thinking it was my blood about to boil over and come bursting out of my veins. I can assure that this is normal and will pass as the anxiety eases off. Don't worry OK?

My day was ok thanks, just getting along like everyday using my Valerian and my rescue spray. Cheering up a lot since the past few days dragged me down. I'm positive again and feeling OK. Just have dinner on now because I am starving.

Please don't worry about the color OK? It will pass very quickly as you calm down Xx

17-10-12, 19:57
So glad your feeling a little better..

Enjoy your dinner :) x

17-10-12, 20:04
Thanks girl, will enjoy dinner.

Keep feeling positive OK? Hugs XX :)

17-10-12, 20:19
Yes like Edward said it is normal... I got so scared one morning I called NHS direct and they sent a blue light ambulance out. My heart rate when they got here was 140 and I felt so hot even though I had the fan on in my room. They told me it was normal during a panic attack and you can come to no harm from it.

17-10-12, 20:28
Yes like Edward said it is normal... I got so scared one morning I called NHS direct and they sent a blue light ambulance out. My heart rate when they got here was 140 and I felt so hot even though I had the fan on in my room. They told me it was normal during a panic attack and you can come to no harm from it.

Annie, it happened to me one day and I felt a hot flush coming over me. I looked in the mirror and my face was the color of blood. This, of course, set me into a complete hysterical state and I felt my arm go really weird like when you get your blood pressure taken. That tight feeling like blood is rushing from every vein in your body. I immediately called Aeneas (My Nurse) and demanded that he get over to the house right away because I was having both a heart attack and a stroke at the same time. He came around, saw me in a state and calmly said that I was in the middle of a full blown panic attack. He sat with me for nearly an hour, taking about everything and anything just to bring me down from my panic. It eventually worked and now when I go that color, feel the blood rushing from every vein, feel my hand go tight like it's a heart attack, I calmly tell myself that this is just anxiety playing havoc with my bodily functions and try to stay as calm as possible.

17-10-12, 21:04
Hello :)

---------- Post added at 21:04 ---------- Previous post was at 21:02 ----------

lol.. didn't mean to press that then.. hadn't finished :doh:

Mine is not so much the sweat but the blood pressure going up.. I have just checked in now (feeling stressed) and it is 145/91.. x

17-10-12, 21:05
Hello :)

---------- Post added at 21:04 ---------- Previous post was at 21:02 ----------

lol.. didn't mean to press that then.. hadn't finished :doh:

Mine is not so much the sweat but the blood pressure going up.. I have just checked in now (feeling stressed) and it is 145/91.. x

Oh girl. I'm so sorry you are going this. Big hugs to you Miss D:bighug1:

17-10-12, 21:08
Thank you lovely .. back at ya :bighug1:x

17-10-12, 21:11
Thank you lovely .. back at ya :bighug1:x

Keep positive. You can beat this OK?:bighug1:

17-10-12, 21:37
I get really red during a panic attack too. But I sweat with it, I get this horrible intense burning in my veins, like my blood is on fire. X

17-10-12, 21:44
I get really red during a panic attack too. But I sweat with it, I get this horrible intense burning in my veins, like my blood is on fire. X

I can understand that Laura. My blood boils to the point where the blood is about to pour out of me. My veins bulge out of my skin and I get terrified that it is an undiagnosed condition that is reaching it's peak and it about to kill me. I have poor Aeneas tortured demanding house calls and when he comes around I get angry because he tells me to calm down. Sometimes, in the moment of panic I really think it's the end, but he usually talks me through it. :)