View Full Version : Best and worst times of day?

17-10-12, 22:15
For myself,the evening is the best but morning the worst.Does anyone else find this?

17-10-12, 22:19
Yep me to i stay awake till late because i dont want to go to sleep just to wake up feeling so anxiouse as i do every morning it takes all day to calm then wen its dark i feel the most relaxed not perfect but better strange take care trish

17-10-12, 23:09
Hi Trish,yes I understand what you are saying.Sometimes I find I want to hang on to the evening because I know that the following morning will bring anxiety.

17-10-12, 23:13
I agree, the mornings are by far the worst time. By the time I leave for work, I generally feel much better. I can't see any logic in it unless it's something to do with blood sugar levels.


18-10-12, 04:52
Mornings and very late at night are the worst for me. Afternoon and early evening I tend to feel the best.

18-10-12, 08:58
same here morning always worst; getting up is hard; then when i do, once my partners left for work there's this anxious time between getting out of the door, driving to work and actually getting on with something. my mind works overtime esp. before i leave home & while i drive to work.

18-10-12, 14:08
Hi guys, throughout the whole ten years that I suffered I dreaded the mornings. I never understood why I could go to bed feeling normal and wake up in such a state. I did not ever discover the reason but I even tried staying up all night to hang on to that good feeling. As you recover the mornings do get better and you can return to normal.

18-10-12, 17:55
For me the evenings are my best time.

My daughters in bed asleep, then I can relax as the weight of responsibility lifts a little and I get a little bit of "me" time.

Mornings are horrible. Wake up anxiety free for about 5minutes then the thought of "when will I get anxious" comes into my head and then, bingo, anxiety strikes.

18-10-12, 19:40
For myself,the evening is the best but morning the worst.Does anyone else find this?

Yes definitely, mornings are the worst for me. In the mornings I often don't feel like getting out of bed, but I have to get to work. During breakfast I often feel moody and don't talk much. Once I'm at my desk, I usually feel better.

Afternoons and evenings tend to be the best for me.

18-10-12, 21:38
Wow,it seems I'm not alone here then.I suppose the evening has a tendency to take on the guise of a safe haven,especially when we have the darker days and we can draw the curtains and shut out the world.

fozzy is crying
18-10-12, 21:42
For me it does not matter if it is day or night. I have the problems 24/365. It is just the magnitude that varies a bit.

19-10-12, 09:35
so what are we to do about mornings? bed is my safe haven. i just want to stay curled up, not have to face anything or anyone. the lack of motivation is incredibly debilitating. i'd rather just stay there & dream my life away than actually get up & deal with stuff. i know it's not helpful, getting up later & later; first 10 mins late for work, now it's more like 15....

20-10-12, 23:56
I'm really said about the fact that I hate the mornings as well...months ago, when I was still ok and didn't even know the meaning of the word anxiety It was exactly the opposite - I loved the mornings so much, I just loved the feeling to wake up and start to live..but now I just wake up and start to think how I'll die.I don't know, when I sleep i just feel like I'm absolutely normal person but then the realization hits me

21-10-12, 12:31
Morning for me too, worrying about what's to come.

22-10-12, 16:33
I'm the opposite. I love the mornings, as I feel there is less chance of seeing something / someone unsociable. Friday and Saturday nights are by far my worst nights. I fear there may be a load of drunken noise at any minute.

24-10-12, 11:25
Mid-morning is much worse for me. Could that be a blood sugar thing as I don't eat breakfast? I can never stomach eating in the mornings. Funny how we all seem to feel it worse then. Maybe after a day of being anxious it's easier to relax our brains in the evening. Sometimes it's almost like I've exhausted every what-if anxiety possibility so by the evening, my brain goes, oh what the hell, what will be will be! Definitely identify with the staying up late thing as well. When I'm anxiety free, I can't bear to go to sleep and let it go! xx

24-10-12, 23:17
I relate with all of you. I feel anxious mid morning and just before it gets dark in the evening. I guess its because I am on my own..... I am trying to find a job that's a struggle being out of work for 3 yrs...

24-10-12, 23:29
My anxiety levels go through the roof of an evening-nighttime, mainly because I have hypnophobia. As a result, I have a habit of only going to bed when physically exhausted, which just exacerbates other anxiety symptoms, and means I don't get to see many mornings :meh:

25-10-12, 08:16
It seems most of us suffer in the mornings and just goes to show what an awful illness this is.I'm a full time carer for my wife and sometimes I can get away with not getting up until late,so before I know it,it can be lunchtime.But then if its a shopping day we have to be up earlier so I feel it more *sigh*