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View Full Version : Fumes poisoning???

18-10-12, 03:05
I bleached my hair with an at-home kit ~5 hours ago. I have done this many times before, but not with this volume (ie strength) of bleach. Immediately after applying I felt dizzy, like I was about to pass out, and nauseous. I washed it out immediately. Now 5 hours later, I still have a headache, feel slightly dizzy and nauseous. I am prone to panic attacks and very phobic about throwing up and being sick. I am worried because I don't know if this is normal, or if I have some graver form of fume or skin poisoning. Mostly I am worrying myself to death because I am living alone (temporarily) and don't know how I would get myself to the hospital if needed and I just feel like I should feel better by now. I'm getting myself worked up about it, going to rewash my hair out every hour or two because I'm scared that maybe I'm still being 'poisoned' by some bleach left in. My friend told me that I would have gotten sicker by now, and should be comforted by the fact that I only have a headache and slight nausea. But I keep freaking myself out, looking on the internet, feeling all alone.

I think I am deterred from messing with my haircolor forever. Feel like a huge idiot that this is all my fault for the sake of vanity. Comfort or similar stories (success stories) would be nice please. It would really turn my night around. Thanks.

18-10-12, 09:36
My daughter did a similar thing at home and actually burned her scalp so yours does not seem so bad. She recovered well from it. :hugs:

18-10-12, 11:10
Did you open the bathroom door & window while you were using the dye? I dyed my hair a while ago and the ammonia was very potent at first as I forgot to ventilate the area well to start with. This is likely to be why you have a headache. I dare lay odds that you'll feel better after some sleep.