View Full Version : Need Help overcoming my anxiety and depression

Bama Chick
18-10-12, 03:28
I am 22 years old. For the past 3 years i have been arguing with my boyfriend everyday. I knew i was stressing but i figured i was dealing with it. In July 2012 after we stopped talking about 2 weeks i started having chest pains, chest tightness, shortness of breath, headaches. So i went to the doctor about 10 times in all since July and it is now Oct 2012. I have had stress test, cat scan of head,xrays of chest,EKG.My doctor says its just anxiety and comes from arguing those three years. During these three months i have developed more symptoms such as eyesight not as good, brain fog, problems concentrating, head pressure daily, arm and leg pains, light headedness. I have one or more of these symptoms everyday. Could I still be stressed even though I am no longer arguing? And is Medication necessary?

18-10-12, 09:10
from what you describe, you've had plenty of stress going on and for a long time. even once you start to deal with things & stuff calms down, no longer arguing etc... it takes time for your mind & body to adjust & for really deep seated anxieties to ease.
as you have probably worked out, there is no doubt that when anxious everything is magnified, particularly physical things. from things i've read on this site, your physical symptoms are experienced by others so it seems to be that although it isnt very pleasant to experience, its likely associated with the situation you've been in.
you've made progress as the arguing has stopped;that's a major achievement in itself and i think this demonstrates that you might be able to look at addressing the physical things going on too.
medication is a very individual thing. personally speaking i have been on and off prozac for a few years. generally finding it necessary in winter months, then trying to have a few months off it in summer. this helps me keep my head above water as i do suffer with depression. i am fortunate that i dont get many side-effects. again i've read on here that many people get side effects from pretty much all the anti depressent meds.
i also wonder as an alternative if it's possible to consider a talking therapy.... a few sessions of CBT might help you find ways of steering your mind away from physical symptoms and onto something more beneficial. so far it sounds like you've already come a long way so something like this might just ease things enough to give you the reassurance needed while these feelings persist.
i must sound like some kind of expert but really, i'm not. i have had cbt and it helped me so much. i am fortunate again that most of what i experience is in my head rather than body. but i think everyone's the same. we all have things in ourselves - whether it's our minds or bodies - that we think are not normal or are out of the ordinary. you could speak with your doctor and see if he'd be able to refer you to someone that can reassure you and give you some new skills to help deal with the feelings?

Bama Chick
18-10-12, 09:39
Thanks for the reply! I forgot to mention I have been goin to a female therapist now for 2 months. In the beginning it really did help because i would try all the things she told me to distract my mind like how not to think negative when having these physical symptoms. I read the Anxiety and Panic Workbook and also a book by Paul David called A Life At Last. They helped me for a little while by changing my way of thinking. Then about 3 weeks ago i was laying in bed and my chest just got really tight and i wAs having chest pains under my left breast bone. So i started worrying and no matter how i tried not to think about it i couldnt help it. Every since that night I have been feeling terrible and everything i learned in therapy just went out the window. I keep having thought that Something bad might happen to me like falling out or dying early. I also been having these "spaced out" feelings so im definitely scared im going crazy. My therapist says im not im jus really stressed out right now. I started seeing a male therapist who referred me to a psychiatrist. She wrote me a prescription for 100mg of Zoloft and 10mg of inderal a beta blocker. I have read alot of bad things about the side effects from taking the meds and how hard it is to come off of them. Im so scared to take them because i dnt want to be stuck on them or have a hard time stopping them so i have been trying to conquer this problem on my own but its very hard. My vision not the same and i jus dont feel Normal anymore. I constantly worry all day what is wrong with me and will i ever be back normal again....

19-10-12, 09:26
It's a shame that your physical symptoms are returning, especially after you found the distraction techniques helped. i find re-reading my therapy books helps to keep me focused. you could try reading the helpful parts of the book again and perhaps seeing if you can re-use any of the techniques learned in therapy, even just a little bit (i sometimes find myself having imaginary therapy sessions where i'm trying to think what my therapist would have said to help me; its almost as if they are there comforting me & giving me the belief i can feel less burdened).
i know it's common to have ups & downs with therapy; i know that from my own experience, even now i get very up & down with it changing day to day (i'm seeing a counsellor at the mo). i guess everything gets stirred up & actually trying to deal with problems makes them much worse.
i really sympathise about taking meds. it always is a tough decision but i suppose they are there to help us even if they come with baggage of their own.
i do know what you mean about not feeling Normal anymore. i think one of the things i found most helpful in therapy was trying to change my focus. so instead of being very focused on myself &how i feel, say during the day trying to keep busy at work & keep my mind busy. as you've had some success with the techniques learned in therapy, are you able to try and apply some of those in the short term & see if that helps?
at least you have more therapy lined up. hopefully if you are able to follow helpful suggestions, you'll find a way of lessening your worry & you'll be able to rediscover a happier balance....

Bama Chick
19-10-12, 16:42
I was thinking about rereading those books again. Also, im going to continue going to therapy. I havent yet decided abt taking the meds. My aunt says i should jus pray about it. I really hate the weird thoughts i have and feelings of not being here. If i could get over that i would be ok. Thinking im goin crazy is the worst of it all. I am religious so i do pray daily but nothing has changed so far....maybe because im rushing it

19-10-12, 23:02
Hi there! Im 19 and have been experiencing the same symptoms as you for 2 years, there is nothing in this world that can stop you thinking negative hun, you just need to do that part on your own, I should be out partying but I cant leave my house incase I faint & die, all the best to you x