View Full Version : Chronic Low Grade Fever (Four Weeks +)? Allergies?

18-10-12, 04:07
Hi everyone! First I'd like to say I really love this forum its nice to have such a great community to chat with!

I'm 20 and have really bad allergies to ragweed and cedar trees and since Fall started I've been running a low grade fever of 99.5 to a max of 100.5. Its usually around 99.7 and occurs nearly always in the evening. I know this isn't my normal temperature because I usually run around 98 and during these episodes of fever I feel sick and tired :/

I was wondering if anyone has allergies and noticed a chronic fever with them? It does come and go but it comes back everyday like clock work and lasts till late at night.

I've been to the doctors twice. The first time they gave me antibiotics and it helped me feel a little better but didn't get rid of the fever. I went back 3 weeks later and they turned me away and said there was nothing more they could do for me :/.

I know chronic low grade fever can sometimes be a cause for concern so I'm frustrated that my doctor seems to have abandoned me as a medical mystery. Could there be something really wrong? Its just making me nervous that its not going away.

Thank you all for your help! :)

18-10-12, 08:46
I have a constant fever. Since the end of July I have been suffering from sinus pains and pressure, and a fever of 37.5-37.8'C. I dont know if I have suddenly developed an allergy or what but it really hurts. Like you, I have had antibiotics but also antihistimines, steroid sprays, oral steriods etc... Nothing has worked. And now its gone to my neck and chest and am really suffering.

I hate having a temperature - It really worries me that it's constant x
Good luck


22-10-12, 03:08
I have a constant fever. Since the end of July I have been suffering from sinus pains and pressure, and a fever of 37.5-37.8'C. I dont know if I have suddenly developed an allergy or what but it really hurts. Like you, I have had antibiotics but also antihistimines, steroid sprays, oral steriods etc... Nothing has worked. And now its gone to my neck and chest and am really suffering.

I hate having a temperature - It really worries me that it's constant x
Good luck


Hi! I didn't know anyone replied to my thread sorry its been so long!

I know I hate having a chronic fever and its scaring me because I know there can be some bad causes behind it like cancer :( But my doctors won't take it seriously I'm just on my own. For the past month I've been getting fever on and off mostly in the afternoon up to 100.2 and I don't know what it could be.

Anyway hope you're feeling better! Thanks for responding.

Anyone else have any ideas or experience this? What should I do?

22-10-12, 03:30
Has the doctor run blood work?
Try a new doctor.
Go to the ER on a quite mid week early day.

22-10-12, 03:38
Has the doctor run blood work?
Try a new doctor.
Go to the ER on a quite mid week early day.

Thank you for replying!

Yeah the doctor has run a CBC and a Mono test. Mono was negative and the CBC was within normal ranges however I can't really understand how they could tell if they were normal for me if they didn't compare them to my old blood tests. They didn't even look at what my CBC's used to be just what they are now.

So what if something is elevated for me but still within normal range for them? I don't know xD they didn't do a good job with me.

Quite frankly I don't think they even believe me that I have a fever b/c their thermometers there don't even work well they're old ear thermometers and I always get a reading of 96 or something even when I've measured with multiple oral thermometers and gotten 99.5 - 100.5 and feel sick.

And I think I would feel silly going to the ER telling them about a low grade fever. They'd probably think I was crazy for going to the ER for that :( So I don't know what to do maybe I'll try a new doctor but there aren't many around here. :(

22-10-12, 09:23
I guess the bloods were within the standard normal range.
They should be looking for the cause of the fever, but if the tests come back normal I don't know what else they could do, that's why I suggest the ER as the might run further tests.

Could you request they take your temperture with a normal mouth thermometer? Or bring your own with you to show them.

---------- Post added at 09:21 ---------- Previous post was at 09:10 ----------

My temperture varies a lot, it goes up and down :)
When it's 100.5 F , 38.C I've always been sick, with the flu, food poisoning, chest infection.

But it's been 37.8, 100.4F a few times, sometimes because I was in a hot room, other times no reason I could find, then when I'm ovulating but you're not female :p

It's mostly in the evening my temperture would get a little high, I drink cold drinks n stuff to cool down naturally.

The only other thing I can think of is to get checked for STDs, most are easily curable and there are free clinics around that dobt take personal info.

Or else it's the allergies maybe triggered a sinus infection, 70% of sinus infections are virus which would explain why the antibiotics didn't work.
I know you can get salt water nose spray to rinse out your nose, or if you use a Neti pot always use water that has been boiled.

---------- Post added at 09:23 ---------- Previous post was at 09:21 ----------

Did the doc check your iron levels ? And your tyroid?

22-10-12, 09:24
I have an iron deficiency and I get sick alot. this kinda sounds like me. I should honestly get myself checked for thyroid problems though.