View Full Version : Slight cardiomegaly

18-10-12, 05:29
Just been told I have a slightly enlarged heart and am concerned any advise /help

18-10-12, 09:28
If it is only slightly enlarged the doctors may not do anything and medication may or may not be needed. I do know someone with an enlarged heart and she was told this many years ago and lives a normal life.

18-10-12, 21:51
Thanks for the reply Annie 0904

19-10-12, 22:10
I was sent for a chest xray and an ecg
The chest xray came back showing that I had an Enlarged heart Transverse Diameter
and then I was sent for blood tests which is really freaking me out
I am a total mess at the moment thinking there must be something major wrong
My Lungs were clear on the xray and the ECG was normal
Blood pressure was also normal

19-10-12, 22:13
Did they not tell you what this meant?

20-10-12, 07:43
Not really could be anything from a bad xray to something very serious
But I am over weight which could also be a factor

11-12-12, 22:08
Did you ever find out what the cause was or if u did have a slightly enlarged heart? My recent few chest xrays have said the same,but no dr is concerned...but I am! Charlotte x

08-01-13, 21:24
Did you ever find out what the cause was or if u did have a slightly enlarged heart? My recent few chest xrays have said the same,but no dr is concerned...but I am! Charlotte x

Hi billyc33, have you any updates on your X-ray as I'm in the same boat as you and Charlotte.

Cheers Chris