View Full Version : Didnt sleep last night, woke up this morning feeling dreadful & called in sick

18-10-12, 10:50
Hi guys.
Last night I had an awful case of insomnia and woke up after 3 hours feeling very ill indeed.
I ended up calling in sick but that's the problem, I rang up early and nobody was there and the phone went to what I thought was an answerphone so i left a message.
I wasn't sure if it was an answerphone though. I tried again at 8am and nobody answered.
I then began to panic so sent them an email (I work in a school).
I didn't end up hearing back from them and still havent.
I know its too late to ring now but do you think I'm in trouble?
I don't understand why they haven't contacted me?
I'm really stressing myself out

18-10-12, 10:55
Calm down it will be ok they prob very busy or think maybe you are sleeping and don't want to wake you x

18-10-12, 11:00
I work in a school and if I am sick I just leave a message on the answer phone and they never call me back. If you have sent an email as well I wouldn't worry about it. You have let them know so can't be in any trouble.

18-10-12, 11:01
You rang and left a message, rang again and sent an email to let them know you weren't coming in. You tried 3 times and left 2 different messages, you won't be in trouble because you made more than an effort to tell them you weren't coming in.

IF they do say anything when you next go in (which I highly doubt they will) just explain how you tried and to be honest it's the offices fault if none of your messages were picked up not yours! It's a good sign they haven't contacted you because it means they received your messages and know exactly where you are and why you aren't in.

I think it's just your anxiety playing on your mind and it will all be fine, I'm the same even when work cancels me and I'm not even supposed to be in! Try to calm down and relax, feel better soon. x

18-10-12, 11:02
As far as I know (from my GP), employers aren't supposed to contact employees during sickness, as it could be grounds for a complaint of harrassment from a bloody-minded employee.

18-10-12, 11:03
Don't worry. You rang and sent them emails. That's the best you could do. Be calm now and concentrate on getting better. You did all you could :)

18-10-12, 11:14
The thing that's worrying me is why haven't they just emailed back saying 'thanks for letting us know, feel better soon' or words to that effect. Isn't that reasonable?

18-10-12, 11:23
I asked my GP the exact same thing because when I was off sick my work didn't call, email or even text me at all. That was when he explained about it being potential grounds for a harrassment claim. He even said that some people have tried to sue for their human rights being infringed when their employers have contacted them during sickness....

For the employer it's just not worth the risk that someone will blow everything out of proportion.

Like someone else said: they would be contacting you if they didn't know where you were, so they obviously do know that you're poorly, and are leaving you to recover.