View Full Version : Stressed Again!

18-10-12, 11:33

Well had a rubbish night, dreaming, waking up shaking in a panic a few times. Kept putting my head back under the covers in the hope it would go away. Managed to drag myself out of bed at about 10.30 and forced myself to have a slice of toast so I could take a diazepam.

Feel panicky, stressed and depressed.. is it going to get any better, I keep asking myself. So scared that it won't because I know I cannot live like this forever and that's a worrying thought too that it has even crossed my mind but I am so tired.

My life is a misery and I am making all those around me live's a misery too :weep:

Hope you are all feeling ok today xx

18-10-12, 11:36
I had the same sort of night last night so this morning have headache, earache and feel so exhausted. I haven't even managed to get myself downstairs yet but have managed to have a shower and do my hair. Going to try to do something to distract me. Hope your day gets better :bighug1::bighug1:

18-10-12, 11:38
Sorry to hear you are feeling bad today Miss D. I really hope your day gets better as it goes along. Didn't get much sleep myself last night. I kept waking every hour or so and when I took my Lyrica last night I became kind of elated and couldn't rest. A bit better today. Just trying to get on with things really, but I am wrecked tired and I have so much to do. I hope you can find it in you to be positive. Stay strong and remember that we are all here for you :)

18-10-12, 11:47
Thank you guys.. You can't help but think when it will all end.

I am just going to potter about the house as best I can and then have a shower and get dressed! :blush: Sometimes you just want to sleep the day away.

Wil keep checking in to see how your all doing :) Big hugs :bighug1:x

18-10-12, 12:23
That's the spirit Miss D. Good on you :)

18-10-12, 20:37
Hi MissDynamite I do hope that you had a good day in the end. I spent many days in bed trying to sleep the day away. Sometimes just pottering around can help you feel just a little better. But it will end, I can assure you. Try to stay positive. It I can help let me know.:hugs:

18-10-12, 20:41
Aw Hun, you will have dips on the anxiety rollercoaster, tomorrow will be better xx

18-10-12, 20:47
Thank you Harley that is really kind of you :) I did do the house so that made me feel a bit better... and a good job too as a frind I have been putting off visiting turned up for a cuppa. Luckily she understands so didn't stay for too long.

And back at ya if you need to talk... I have met the nicest people on here, it has got me through some tough times.. thanks again :hugs:

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Hi Laura.. I know, flipping dips! lol :) x

18-10-12, 20:49
How you feel

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Feeling ton

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Like oh my actual god!!!!! I will eventually get this out in one go!!!! How are you feeling tonight hunni lol xx

18-10-12, 20:58
Not too bad.. better than earlier thats for sure. Keep having blood pressure spikes when I get anxious though so got a bit of headache still. I think they're playing on my mind more than anything at the moment.. it went quite high today so took another diazepam.

How are you doing? xx

18-10-12, 21:01
I am good thanks miss d, getting there, going with the flow, if I feel crap I cope with it and remember it will pass, and if I feel good, then yeeha:) xx

18-10-12, 21:09
Good girl... keep up the good work :D x