View Full Version : Evening anxiety

18-10-12, 15:46
Anyone's anxiety lift in the evenings, mine does and I wonder why, I can eat and almost function normally, anyone else the same?

18-10-12, 16:07
Mine eases a bit after I take my meds, but sometimes I get anxious about going to bed because I am afraid of not being able to sleep. But yes, it does go down a little bit in the evenings.

18-10-12, 16:10
Maybe it's because we have made it through another day? Lol I have no probs sleeping, just all starts again the next morning. X

18-10-12, 16:13
That could be it Scooby. :) Probably relief like you said.

18-10-12, 16:15
Are you on meds Edward?

18-10-12, 16:16
That is exactly like me scoobydoo!!!

Each morning is a feeling of terror as I dont know what is in store for me.By 8pm I can feel myself sighing in relief that I have managed another day.

Not a very good way to live,but that is how it is at the moment.

Loreen x

18-10-12, 16:20
I can eat, laugh and even watch tv in the eve, just wish I could extend it another 8 hours lol really weird, xxx