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18-10-12, 16:49
I had one panic attack today and I called for help. It was actually The Samaritans. I did PM one member who very kindly got me through it too. She was a big help. You know who you are. Right now I feel the panic rising. I'm getting a very dry mouth and find it very hard to swallow. My face is going numb and I have a very intense tingling in my neck. I know what has caused this. I had to end something on the forum today and have been worried all day about this person. I had to stop contact because it wasn't doing any good and it was ruining the progress I have made over the last week and a half. Right now I am panicking really bad, my mood is low and I am close to tears. I hate this right now because I came so far.

18-10-12, 16:53
My guess is you are beating yourself up unneccesarily and blowing things out of all proportion over whatever it is you felt you needed to do.

Easy for me to say because I do exactly the same all the time and it results in me causing myself no end of distress.

I am sure the person you had to stop contact with understands it is nothing personal just something you had to do for self-preservation. I am equally certain me telling you this probably won't make you feel any better, because no matter how well I can rationalise stuff, I never seem to convince the "how I feel" bit of myself.

All I can suggest is try to relax and do soemthing to distract your mind for a bit, whatever it is, watching a crap DVD, going for a walk if you feel up to it whatever, just something to occupy your mind.

18-10-12, 17:01
I'm doing deep breathing exercises James and trying my best to hold on until this passes. You'll probably laugh, but I'm listening to Celine Dion to calm mysel;f down. A bit shaky and out of breath with dry mouth, but I'm riding this one out as best I can.

18-10-12, 17:16
Hi Edward...Sorry to hear this, you have done so well this week and this will soon pass. My husband loves listening to Celine Dion too. Try to calm yourself down and tell yourself that it will soon pass. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

18-10-12, 17:28
Thanks Annie. It has reached a peak and is slowly fading. I went out to the back yard because I really needed fresh air. Still a bit of a dry mouth, but it isn't as bad as it was ten minutes ago. I feel like a drama queen now, like I was announcing my upcoming death!!!:hugs::hugs:

18-10-12, 17:31
I feel like a drama queen now, like I was announcing my upcoming death!!!:hugs::hugs:

But that's what it feels like - that is the reality of what we go through when we this hits us so not at all.

Glad you are feeling a bit better.

18-10-12, 17:34
Hope you have a better evening Edward. Go and run yourself a nice bath with lavender oil, that usually makes you feel better. I understand how you feel, panic attacks can be so scary :bighug1:

18-10-12, 17:35
I'm getting there James. Thank you very much for the support. I really appreciate it :)

---------- Post added at 17:35 ---------- Previous post was at 17:35 ----------

Hope you have a better evening Edward. Go and run yourself a nice bath with lavender oil, that usually makes you feel better. I understand how you feel, panic attacks can be so scary :bighug1:

Can I PM you please Annie. I will explain what brought this on today:)

18-10-12, 17:37
Yes Edward no problem x

18-10-12, 17:37
Thank you very much Annie. Will do it now Xx

18-10-12, 18:04
Hi Edward - so glad you are feeling better. I'm on the verge of a panic attack myself and trying real hard to keep it together. I've been more or less anxiety free for 5-6 weeks but something is going on that has put the fear of god into me. You're certainly not alone. Sending you big hugs. Keep listening to Celine!! xx

18-10-12, 18:13
Hello Lovely.. Sorry I wasn't on earlier when you needed support. I hope your settling a little now :) xx

18-10-12, 18:17
Hi Edward - so glad you are feeling better. I'm on the verge of a panic attack myself and trying real hard to keep it together. I've been more or less anxiety free for 5-6 weeks but something is going on that has put the fear of god into me. You're certainly not alone. Sending you big hugs. Keep listening to Celine!! xx
Try to relax this evening..I am sure you are going to be fine, you just need to hear that from your doctor and you will soon xx

18-10-12, 18:30
Right you bl

18-10-12, 18:31
Thanks for all the advice guys. I just had to take a step back for a while to get myself back together, but I am feeling good again and my head is clear. The attack has passed and I know know what I am to do to keep it from happening again. Sorry for the late reply and I certainly didn't mean to hurt anyone. Sending you all big hugs and thanks :)

18-10-12, 18:34
Oops lol. Right you bloody drama queen, pack it in right now!!!!! And for heavens sake switch celine dion off immediately, that would drive anyone to the brink! You are fine sweetie, you need to deep breathe, stop dwelling on it, think of your achievements this week, you are doing great, it's not the mother of all panic attacks, it's just a panic attack, just like all the other ones that you have coped with. Now sit down and blow the bubbles like I told you earlier! Sorry I am late for dinner lol. Chin up babes :) xx

18-10-12, 18:38
Excuse me Laura...You were expected 35 minutes ago. I had you and the kids places all set. The stew is gone cold:mad:

I'm OK now girl. Blew those thoughts right out of my head. Closure on that thread. I am a drama Queen with my announcements. Wait till tomorrow when Aeneas comes out! Nah, seriously, thank you so much for the help today. I guess I got too involved, and that's a bad thing when you are struggling yourself. Celine is gone off and now I'm on YouTube watching X Factor!!

18-10-12, 18:55
Lol glad to help :) hope tonight is a relaxed happy night for you. Xx

18-10-12, 18:56
And I hope yours is too Laura :) Xxx

18-10-12, 18:59
And the X Factor is better than Celine Dion, HOW?! :roflmao:

Pleased you're feeling better Edward :) x

18-10-12, 19:01
And the X Factor is better than Celine Dion, HOW?! :roflmao:

Pleased you're feeling better Edward :) x

Aha Ellie....I'm searching for Celine songs. The upbeat and dance ones to lift my mood:yesyes:

18-10-12, 19:04
Well as long as it's not "My heart will go on, and ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon" I suppose I'll let you off :)

18-10-12, 19:05
The best thing to lift my mood is Mrs Browns boys...makes me laugh so much :D Hey Edward...how come Laura got an invite for dinner and I didn't? I could have picked her up on the way and then she wouldn't have been late lol xx

18-10-12, 19:13
Well as long as it's not "My heart will go on, and ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon" I suppose I'll let you off :)

Oh no Elle....God, that would depress me. I'm listening to the upbeat songs and it's working:yesyes:

---------- Post added at 19:09 ---------- Previous post was at 19:07 ----------

The best thing to lift my mood is Mrs Browns boys...makes me laugh so much :D Hey Edward...how come Laura got an invite for dinner and I didn't? I could have picked her up on the way and then she wouldn't have been late lol xx

Annie...I'd go out of breath and choke if I watched that. It's so bloody funny. I love it.

Laura stood me up Elle:weep: We'll have to arrange another dinner date for next week. Spag Bol and don't be late. You are expected at 6pm sharp:yesyes:

---------- Post added at 19:13 ---------- Previous post was at 19:09 ----------

Hi Edward - so glad you are feeling better. I'm on the verge of a panic attack myself and trying real hard to keep it together. I've been more or less anxiety free for 5-6 weeks but something is going on that has put the fear of god into me. You're certainly not alone. Sending you big hugs. Keep listening to Celine!! xx

Oh Meche. I only saw your reply now. I really hope that you are feeling better and thank you so much for the support:bighug1:

18-10-12, 19:14
oh I love spag bol...we can all watch Mrs Brown's boys and eat spag bol :D

18-10-12, 19:16
oh I love spag bol...we can all watch Mrs Brown's boys and eat spag bol :D

Sorry Annie, but dinner is set at 6pm on the dot and we all eat at the table. We can though, eat dessert watching her:D

18-10-12, 19:17
Sorry Annie, but dinner is set at 6pm on the dot and we all eat at the table. We can though, eat dessert watching her:D
That sounds fine :D

18-10-12, 19:19
That sounds fine :D

It's a date. I hope you like your dishes flavored with Garlic and Chilli:yesyes:

And don't stand me up like Laura did, I was highly insulted:lac:

18-10-12, 19:21
Not too much garlic...I'll bring the dessert :D

18-10-12, 19:23
Not too much Garlic so!:scared15:

Surprise me with dessert. I hope it's something really chocolately and rich:yesyes:

18-10-12, 19:25
mmmmm chocolate :D

18-10-12, 19:27
And don't cheat:lac:

No buying a cake in a shop and passing it off as your own!!:roflmao:

18-10-12, 19:38
I would never do that Edward :winks: I might get Elle-Kay to make it for me though :)

18-10-12, 19:42
Haha, as it happens I have just the recipe - chocolate sponge covered with rich chocolate ganache :)

18-10-12, 19:42
I would never do that Edward :winks: I might get Elle-Kay to make it for me though :)

Mhm...I'm skeptical:lac:

Elle-Kay is invited too, so I'll know of any thing ye are plotting!

I won't serve my special Spag Bol if I am in doubt about the cake:lac:

18-10-12, 19:47
Elle-kay can make the cake and I will bring the drinks and Mrs Brown's boys dvd :D

18-10-12, 19:48
Oh Edward I am sorry, the truth is, I am bloody constipated, sorry for sharing but we share every other symptom thought I would share this lol lol. Have taken a tablet and waiting for the "shit to hit the fan" so sorry lol lol lol. X

18-10-12, 19:51
Laura I am sure Edward could have put laxatives in his beef stew just for you :roflmao:

18-10-12, 19:53
Omg...I'm laughing so hard here!

Annie: I could have done that, but she didn't turn up (Sulks)

Laura: No problem, sharing that. We all have our own symptoms...Hope the pill works for you girl Xx

18-10-12, 19:55
What struck me was that you managed to type it all out and explain how you were feeling. That in itself took a lot of courage and it shows that you can do it. I hope you are feeling better now. You were very brave today.

18-10-12, 19:56
Oh it's a right pain in the ass! Just sent hubby to mums for pills, hopefully it works! Lol lol. Must be the sertraline! I will bring panacotta! We could do come dine with me! X

18-10-12, 19:57
Come dine with me...what a great idea!!!

18-10-12, 19:58
Errr.. hold on a minute!.. choccy pud and Mrs Browns Boys... I'm coming :D xx

18-10-12, 19:58
I love that show! X

fozzy is crying
18-10-12, 19:58
Come dine with me...what a great idea!!!

Is that an invite for all of us to come to yours then? :winks:


18-10-12, 20:00
You need to eat Prunes Laura :) Oh no I just remembered I can't eat panacotta...last time I ate that was on a Thames River cruise and it made me sick then I had a massive panic attack on the London underground and had to get off before my stop!!!

---------- Post added at 20:00 ---------- Previous post was at 19:59 ----------

Is that an invite for all of us to come to yours then? :winks:


Yes you are all welcome here :)

18-10-12, 20:01
What struck me was that you managed to type it all out and explain how you were feeling. That in itself took a lot of courage and it shows that you can do it. I hope you are feeling better now. You were very brave today.

It was hard and I struggled to type with shaky hands, but I really needed to post because I needed support. Whilst typing my mouth was dry, I had choking sensations and had to stop typing every now and then because I was grabbing onto my throat convinced that I would stop breathing. I am feeling a lot better now thank and the panic is well gone :)

18-10-12, 20:02
Ok my menu is:

Prawn tempura with chilli sauce

Chicken chasseur with tarragon and pomme puree

Hot chocolate fondant with strawberry coulis

fozzy is crying
18-10-12, 20:02
You need to eat Prunes Laura :) Oh no I just remembered I can't eat panacotta...last time I ate that was on a Thames River cruise and it made me sick then I had a massive panic attack on the London underground and had to get off before my stop!!!

---------- Post added at 20:00 ---------- Previous post was at 19:59 ----------

Yes you are all welcome here :)

You might regret saying that. Do you not know there are some really sick people and Bears on here? :winks:


18-10-12, 20:11
Yesterday was the first time I was able to stand long enough to cook a meal in 5 months so I don't know how well I would do with 3 courses! :) Your menu sounds lovely Laura.

fozzy is crying
18-10-12, 20:14
Yesterday was the first time I was able to stand long enough to cook a meal in 5 months so I don't know how well I would do with 3 courses! :) Your menu sounds lovely Laura.

5 Months? That is why I use a microwave and not a slow cooker.:winks:

18-10-12, 20:15
Ok my menu is:

Prawn tempura with chilli sauce

Chicken chasseur with tarragon and pomme puree

Hot chocolate fondant with strawberry coulis

I don't watch Come Dine with Me so I don't know if this is how it works lol, but I'll go with:

Cheese & biscuits with homemade rhubarb chutney

Shepherd's pie pasties with seasonal vegetables

Spiced pear and raisin crumble with custard

18-10-12, 20:17
I don't watch Come Dine with Me so I don't know if this is how it works lol, but I'll go with:

Cheese & biscuits with homemade rhubarb chutney

Shepherd's pie pasties with seasonable vegetables

Spiced pear and raisin crumble with custard

OK, I'm officially starving again even though I had a great Beef Stew for dinner. Stop making me hungry again guys:lac:

18-10-12, 20:18
Oh yes Elle that's how is works!!!! I am camping on the loo while posting, sorry for the visuals people but I want you to share my pain!

---------- Post added at 20:18 ---------- Previous post was at 20:18 ----------

I can't believe I said that!

18-10-12, 20:19

18-10-12, 20:20
It really doesn't help that the dogs are sniffing at the door and the kids keep coming to the door to ask "mummy, have you pood yet"

18-10-12, 20:20
Oh yes Elle that's how is works!!!! I am camping on the loo while posting, sorry for the visuals people but I want you to share my pain!

---------- Post added at 20:18 ---------- Previous post was at 20:18 ----------

I can't believe I said that!

I share your pain Laura! I often spent nearly an hour on the toilet posting from my phone! Hopefully it will happen for you soon. Hang in there:)

18-10-12, 20:21
I'm hanging im hanging

fozzy is crying
18-10-12, 20:21
I don't watch Come Dine with Me so I don't know if this is how it works lol, but I'll go with:

Cheese & biscuits with homemade rhubarb chutney

Shepherd's pie pasties with seasonable vegetables

Spiced pear and raisin crumble with custard


French Onion soup with garlic bread.

Steak with red wine sauce served with a choice of vegetables.

Boozy Grapefruit.

Cheese and Biscuits

Coffee and liqueurs.

Alcohol before during and after so if it turns out crap no one will notice:winks:

Oh and must be formal dress and candlelight.

18-10-12, 20:21
Organic dried apricots are always guaranteed to get me going! I love them, but I can only eat 3 or so in any one day to avoid issues, lol

18-10-12, 20:21
I'm hanging im hanging

Push girl, c'mon, do it!:blush:

18-10-12, 20:22
Fozzy I can't have grapefruit on sertraline, don't know why, but that's what the bible says!

---------- Post added at 20:22 ---------- Previous post was at 20:22 ----------

But apart from that your menu sounds Nom Nom

18-10-12, 20:23
fresh figs are very good to keep you going :)

18-10-12, 20:23
Oh I give up :(

18-10-12, 20:23
Random fact: grapefruit can deactivate a lot of medications, if taken together, so don't ever take tablets with grapefruit juice :)

fozzy is crying
18-10-12, 20:24
Fozzy I can't have grapefruit on sertraline, don't know why, but that's what the bible says!

---------- Post added at 20:22 ---------- Previous post was at 20:22 ----------

But apart from that your menu sounds Nom Nom

Anything for you Laura. Do you want it on a tray in the loo. I have three toilets in my house so you would not be holding up anyone. :winks:

18-10-12, 20:24
Fozzy I can't have grapefruit on sertraline, don't know why, but that's what the bible says!

---------- Post added at 20:22 ---------- Previous post was at 20:22 ----------

But apart from that your menu sounds Nom Nom

Yes I read that on a drug interaction site about grapefruit

18-10-12, 20:27
Really! Well there you go! X

---------- Post added at 20:25 ---------- Previous post was at 20:24 ----------

Yes please fozzy that would be kind :)

---------- Post added at 20:27 ---------- Previous post was at 20:25 ----------

On the sofa now, I am bored in the loo!

fozzy is crying
18-10-12, 20:27
Really! Well there you go! X

---------- Post added at 20:25 ---------- Previous post was at 20:24 ----------

Yes please fozzy that would be kind :)

Have got a trolley you could use from social services and the loos all have invalidity aids. No seat belts needed. Will just have to mark out the paths to the toilets with tea lights for you.

18-10-12, 20:29
Why tea lights? Are you being romantical or have you no electricity? Lol x

---------- Post added at 20:29 ---------- Previous post was at 20:28 ----------

I love that you were all keeping me company in the loo! Lol lol x

fozzy is crying
18-10-12, 20:30
Why tea lights? Are you being romantical or have you no electricity? Lol x

Romantic of course. There is nothing more I enjoy than cooking and hosting a formal dinner but it has been toooooooooooooooooooooo long since my dinner suit has been out of the wardrobe.

18-10-12, 20:30
Awwwww. X

fozzy is crying
18-10-12, 20:31
Awwwww. X

Awwwww does not help. :weep::weep::weep::weep:

18-10-12, 20:32
[/COLOR]On the sofa now, I am bored in the loo!

Did you manage to go then?

18-10-12, 20:33
Lol I meant awwww you are being romantical lol lol

---------- Post added at 20:33 ---------- Previous post was at 20:33 ----------

No Annie :( x

fozzy is crying
18-10-12, 20:34
Did you manage to go then?

Laura and been and not gone. :whistles:

18-10-12, 20:35
Do any of you use the chat room?

---------- Post added at 20:35 ---------- Previous post was at 20:34 ----------

Edward I think we can safely say you are not think

---------- Post added at 20:35 ---------- Previous post was at 20:35 ----------

Thinking about panic anymore lol lol

fozzy is crying
18-10-12, 20:36
Do any of you use the chat room?

Nope. Been kicked out a few times though. :whistles:

So set up my own on my website and there it seems I can take 24/365 to myself. :blush:

18-10-12, 20:36
Why were you kicked out, what did you do? Lol

18-10-12, 20:37
Do any of you use the chat room?

---------- Post added at 20:35 ---------- Previous post was at 20:34 ----------

Edward I think we can safely say you are not think

---------- Post added at 20:35 ---------- Previous post was at 20:35 ----------

Thinking about panic anymore lol lol

I'm too busy having a laugh at this thread Laura:roflmao:

18-10-12, 20:38
Lol goooood!

18-10-12, 20:41
You're a tonic Laura, I swear to god.:yesyes:

Just thinking back on what you told me in PM the other week about calling the nurse and thinking you were having a stroke and the nurse telling you that you wouldn't be able to talk to her if you were having one. Seriously. That has kept me going in times of stress. It's identical to me demanding being committed because I was having a massive, life threatening stroke and me not surviving the hour:roflmao:

18-10-12, 20:42
Pleased it is keeping us all entertained here tonight :D

I have never used the chat room

fozzy is crying
18-10-12, 20:42
Why were you kicked out, what did you do? Lol

Which time? :roflmao:

OK one and only quiz night I went there was told off for proving the answer was so very wrong. Stuff me the sheep followed the questioner and it got a bit too hot for an old Bear in there. A couple of times was verbally attacked by drunks only one of whom was man enough three days later to say they were wrong and sorry. Part of the problem I am sure is not many can either believe and/or relate to my situation so they just think I am not real and attack me in ignorance.

This old bear has found that all chat rooms on the net have to be entered with caution.


18-10-12, 20:43
Lol, I am happy my mortification helps you :) lol I like to share the comical side to my panic, laughter is without doubt the very best therapy x

fozzy is crying
18-10-12, 20:44
Lol, I am happy my mortification helps you :) lol I like to share the comical side to my panic, laughter is without doubt the very best therapy x

Laura in my 60's school days I was always told it was best to work it out in logs. [maths type]:roflmao:

18-10-12, 20:44
Yes that is very true fozzy, I have been in a few times, I have spoken to some lovely people. X

18-10-12, 20:45
I was told it was best to work it out with a pencil :D

18-10-12, 20:47
Lol @logs!

---------- Post added at 20:47 ---------- Previous post was at 20:45 ----------

I was told to leave the room!

fozzy is crying
18-10-12, 20:47
I was told it was best to work it out with a pencil :D

We could not afford such luxuries and pleasures. Have you tried a tourniquet?

I was told years ago it could cure anything.

Especially when applied around the neck for some reason. :whistles:

18-10-12, 20:50
Lol, I am happy my mortification helps you :) lol I like to share the comical side to my panic, laughter is without doubt the very best therapy x

Ah Laura, it was comical. Do you know how many times me and my partner Mark were watching a very serious film and that came to my mind? I actually giggled my way through Titanic thinking of that.

Aeneas is coming tomorrow and god knows what state I will be in by then. He didn't say a time so I'll probably be up the walls with anxiety because I don't like change and unexpected calls. I have to face him after the "Episode" where I begged him to commit me because the "Stroke" was about to paralyze me. I really begged him because I was sure I'd lose the ability to move the left part of my body. He just said "It's just anxiety" and I threw him out and was highly insulted because he didn't ring for an ambulance:roflmao:

18-10-12, 20:50
Keep going guys.. better than watching the telly this :D

18-10-12, 20:51
You know what you need to stop doing, stop expecting to be climbing the walls, you can deal with this, I dare you to be the coolest calmest person for this tomorrow!

18-10-12, 20:51
Edward if you start to feel anxious just think about Laura sitting on the toilet and this thread tonight and I am sure it will bring a smile to your face :)

fozzy is crying
18-10-12, 20:54
Hang on folks I have gone into panic hyper-drive. I have been Googling human symptoms not bear ones and it appears I have Sarcoptic mange and I do not know any Foxes, Animal or Human.


---------- Post added at 20:54 ---------- Previous post was at 20:52 ----------

Hell I think I have this as well


18-10-12, 20:55
Edward if you start to feel anxious just think about Laura sitting on the toilet and this thread tonight and I am sure it will bring a smile to your face :)

Annie....I have something different (God I'm skitting laughing here)!

I'll think of her phoning the nurse thinking she was having a fit and the nurse saying "You wouldn't be able to talk to me if you were having a fit". I'm breathless from laughing here!

Anyone ever put on their best PJ's and have their medication lined up, plus a full detailed Doctors letter so the paramedics would be able to address the "Illness" and know what to do?:roflmao:

fozzy is crying
18-10-12, 20:55
bears with patches of fur missing yep got that on my head.

18-10-12, 20:55
You know in the chat room last night someone asked about irritable bowel syndrome, they said "do you ever google symptoms and get panicked" the reply was "if I google symptoms I get cancer, aids and a heart attack" thought I would share this, I laughed so much.

fozzy is crying
18-10-12, 20:56
Annie....I have something different (God I'm skitting laughing here)!

I'll think of her phoning the nurse thinking she was having a fit and the nurse saying "You wouldn't be able to talk to me if you were having a fit". I'm breathless from laughing here!

Anyone ever put on their best PJ's and have their medication lined up, plus a full detailed Doctors letter so the paramedics would be able to address the "Illness" and know what to do?:roflmao:

skitting? It is crap etc

18-10-12, 20:59
skitting? It is crap etc

I'm sorry?

18-10-12, 21:01
No I haven't done that Edward but I will tell you a funny story when my husband was in hospital..He was in so much pain that I had to leave the room and I just managed to say to a nurse "I think I am going to..." I woke up in the next cubicle to him in A&E! I had fainted. Some help to him I was but at least he thought it was hilarious!

18-10-12, 21:01
Lol lol oh Annie! X

fozzy is crying
18-10-12, 21:02
BIG BIG health warning do not eat uncooked or undercooked Bear as you run the risk of getting trichinellosis.

Not seen anyone posting about that yet. :winks:

18-10-12, 21:04

fozzy is crying
18-10-12, 21:06
Gosh Google is so good it seems I also have Pseudorabies which can be fatal to Bears and I just thought I had itchy piles.


18-10-12, 21:06
Google is nobody's friend!

fozzy is crying
18-10-12, 21:07
Google is nobody's friend!

Course it is Miss Piggy told Kermit to get me to use it.

18-10-12, 21:07
No I haven't done that Edward but I will tell you a funny story when my husband was in hospital..He was in so much pain that I had to leave the room and I just managed to say to a nurse "I think I am going to..." I woke up in the next cubicle to him in A&E! I had fainted. Some help to him I was but at least he thought it was hilarious!

Oh Annie, that must have been terrible.

I was rushed to A&E one night due to a panic attack. I was convinced that it was a brain hemorrhage and I passed out in the ambulance with fear and panic. I woke up a few hours later in a bed in A&E with a an oxegen mask on and sedated up to the eyeballs. I felt a right fool when the drugs wore off and I had to see the Doctor:roflmao:

18-10-12, 21:10
This is what our illness does to us, makes us totally irrational, next time we think catastrophe we should look in the mirror, laugh at ourselves and give our faces a good slaaaaaap! X

18-10-12, 21:12
This is what our illness does to us, makes us totally irrational, next time we think catastrophe we should look in the mirror, laugh at ourselves and give our faces a good slaaaaaap! X

Exactly Laura. I know we feel the fear and it's so real in the moment, but at least we have come so far that we can look back and laugh at it!

18-10-12, 21:13
They ended up doing tests on me but of course I was fine...it really made my husband laugh though. I was telling the doctor not to tell him what had happened to me because I didn't want to worry him but another nurse had told him. He just said "why am I not surprised?" I can laugh about it now :D

---------- Post added at 21:13 ---------- Previous post was at 21:12 ----------

This is what our illness does to us, makes us totally irrational, next time we think catastrophe we should look in the mirror, laugh at ourselves and give our faces a good slaaaaaap! X

Oh Laura then I would be worrying about why my face is sore all the time!!!

18-10-12, 21:14
They ended up doing tests on me but of course I was fine...it really made my husband laugh though. I was telling the doctor not to tell him what had happened to me because I didn't want to worry him but another nurse had told him. He just said "why am I not surprised?" I can laugh about it now :D

Oh Annie. I can relate to that so much. There nurses were updating Mark all the time. It was only when I got home that he told me the nurses said I was being dramatic and going overboard about a simple panic attack. I was raging at the time, but I look back now and laugh:roflmao:

18-10-12, 21:16
I don't know what's worse, a sympathetic nurse that you end up blubbering all over or a pull yourself together nurse that you feel the need to peel and sit them in a bath of salt?

fozzy is crying
18-10-12, 21:20
I don't know what's worse, a sympathetic nurse that you end up blubbering all over or a pull yourself together nurse that you feel the need to peel and sit them in a bath of salt?

Sympathetic nurse putting me in a bath of salt would be OK. :blush:

18-10-12, 21:20
I don't know what's worse, a sympathetic nurse that you end up blubbering all over or a pull yourself together nurse that you feel the need to peel and sit them in a bath of salt?

Oh Laura. On one of many visits to A&E I have encountered a lot of different nurses. Some were sympathetic and other told me to get a grip and cop myself on. Of course I demanded on blood tests, X-rays, urine tests and brain scans. Let's just say that one nurse told me to cop myself on and dismissed my demands of all these tests!:roflmao:

18-10-12, 21:24
Can you imagine doing a soap with us lot in it.. well it would be more of a comedy me thinks :D

18-10-12, 21:25
Can you imagine doing a soap with us lot in it.. well it would be more of a comedy me thinks :D

We could earn millions I think and win the soap of the year awards :)

18-10-12, 21:25
Can you imagine doing a soap with us lot in it.. well it would be more of a comedy me thinks :D

Don't forget the drama Miss D:roflmao:

18-10-12, 21:28
I want to be jean from eastenders, I could play her with my eyes shut, "sausage surpriiiiiiiise"

18-10-12, 21:29
Oh yes.. the drama! lol We definately would get award Annie x

18-10-12, 21:31
I want to be jean from eastenders, I could play her with my eyes shut, "sausage surpriiiiiiiise"

Oh, god! Sausage Surprise:roflmao:

She's asked to pop out to the shop for milk and a scratch card and she rants and rages about spuds and sausages.

I shouldn't laugh really because I am only awaiting a diagnosis and I might be Bi-Polar. If that's the case I will deny it until I go to my grave.

18-10-12, 21:32
lol@Laura :D

18-10-12, 21:33
I want to be jean from eastenders, I could play her with my eyes shut, "sausage surpriiiiiiiise"

I'm awaiting a Diagnoses so I shouldn't be laughing about Jean Slater.

fozzy is crying
18-10-12, 21:35
Years ago after the first ever episode of Yes Minister the talk in my office the following day was of nothing else. We all said if it was not for the Official Secrets Act we could write a script that would make it look like a very serious drama.

I laughed for days after an episode called "Too much Red tape". As in the mid 70s I was asked to try and sort out a problem where someone new had ordered by mistake while their boss was on leave 1000 years. Yes one thousand years supply of Red Tape and HMSO would not take it back. I was well used to using Earlybird for moving computer mainframes so that is why I got involved. It lead to a 2 month stand-off off involving dozens of RAF transporters locked out of and outside HMSO Norwich before it was brought back and even after all this time is still stored in several bunkers.

19-10-12, 10:08
Starting to get anxious. Aeneas is coming out this morning and I have to overcome anxiety and shame after the disaster that was his last visit. I hope he won't keep me throwing him out the last time against me.

19-10-12, 10:25
I am sure he won't Edward and don't get anxious about it. I am sure he thinks nothing about it, it is his job remember and he understands these anxieties, relax!!! Read through this thread..it will make you laugh again :)

19-10-12, 10:28
Stop Annie. I couldn't read back over this thread again. I did it three times last night and nearly choked from laughter. I'll have to remember Laura and her fit to keep me smiling. Here I go again laughing. I'm sure he'll be fine today. Just have to realize that he won't hold it against me. He knew I wasn't having a stroke and was just trying to reassure me and calm me down.

19-10-12, 10:38
He won't hold it against you..Like I said he will understand, that is what he is in the job for :)...I still have images of poor Laura straining on the loo! I hope she has managed to go today :D I must say I don't envy her..I got so bad one day that I was admitted into hospital for an enema to make me go...I was on holiday and so looking forward to fish and chips then missed them! lol

19-10-12, 10:41
Omg Annie. I also got an enema in hospital a few years ago. The nurse put it up, squeezed the liquid in and told me to wait for 10mins before letting it out. I have to say that I ended up running up and down the ward like a headless chicken while the other patients got a great laugh from me. In the end I went after 5mins because holding the liquid in was too much for me :D

19-10-12, 10:42
:roflmao: I can picture you now! I must admit I didn't last the 10 minutes either...it was so hard trying to hold it in :D

19-10-12, 10:45
:roflmao: I can picture you now! I must admit I didn't last the 10 minutes either...it was so hard trying to hold it in :D

I'm glad someone else feels that way. I swear Annie, the only thing I could do was run up and down or the liquid would have started dripping down my legs:roflmao:

19-10-12, 10:46
I am back on the loo this morning ........

---------- Post added at 10:46 ---------- Previous post was at 10:46 ----------


19-10-12, 10:48
I guess you have managed to go without the dreaded enema that Edward and I had to have? :D

19-10-12, 10:51
OK Laura,

You need to get to the Doctor's for an Enema. If me and Annie had to go through it then you should have to as well :D

19-10-12, 11:04
OK Laura,

You need to get to the Doctor's for an Enema. If me and Annie had to go through it then you should have to as well :D
I agree with you there Edward...why should we be the only ones who have to suffer the dreaded enema!

19-10-12, 11:07
I agree with you there Edward...why should we be the only ones who have to suffer the dreaded enema!

Laura has to run around trying her best to keep the liquid in. I wonder how long she would be able to hold it in:D

19-10-12, 11:33
Morning :) How is everyone today? Your all sounding in good spirits :D x

19-10-12, 11:36
Morning Miss D :) How are you today? Myself and Annie were just discussing the dreaded Enema and how hard it is to keep the liquid in for 10mins. We failed to do so and I ended up bolting to the toilet because I just couldn't keep it in :D

19-10-12, 11:55
Lol.. As long as you got to the loo in time :blush: I am not too bad thanks been to docs for blood pressure check.. And it's ok just keeps spiking when stressed so got to keep calm! Yeah right lol. Just about to clean up and make a bol sauce for later. What's everyone else upto today? xx

19-10-12, 12:01
I have just taken my cat Chai for a walk on his lead (Yer..ok I'm a mad cat woman lol!) Going to chill for a bit then do some housework. I didn't get much sleep last night. One of my friends asked me to get her some tickets for Gary Barlow and I dreamed I couldn't get on my laptop to get them..I woke at 5am and couldn't get back to sleep as I was so worried about getting them. They went on sale at 10am and I have got them for her :)

19-10-12, 12:16
I'm very anxious now, but it's my own fault this time. I rang Aeneas asking what time he would be here because I don't like change in my routine and he said he'd be here at 2pm. Now I've gone and made things worse by finding this out because I know what time he'll be here and I'm watching the clock. A catch 50 situation. I'm anxious no matter what way today (D'oh)!

19-10-12, 12:24
Well done cat woman :) I am still tired too.. didn't have a bad night with panics though, just the usual couldn't nod off. And don't get stressed Edward.. Get Celine on and decide what's for dinner :) xx

19-10-12, 12:25
Edward..it is only 1.5 hours away...chill! Everything will be fine. What are you making for dinner tonight? You could start to prepare it now then the time will fly by...or you could read through this thread another 10 times :D

19-10-12, 12:26
Celine is already is Miss D :D

Pour Que T'Aimes Encore

19-10-12, 12:27
See...Edward, me and MissHDynamite where both thinking about dinner at the same time :D

19-10-12, 12:29
See...Edward, me and MissHDynamite where both thinking about dinner at the same time :D

I'm suspicious now:lac:

19-10-12, 12:33
We obviously just think about food a lot and you are to blame for starting the thread 'What's for dinner tonight?' :D

19-10-12, 12:34
We obviously just think about food a lot and you are to blame for starting the thread 'What's for dinner tonight?' :D

Aha, hungry monkeys:D

I must head over there and update it with my dinner for tonight:winks:

19-10-12, 12:35
I wonder where Laura has gone? :unsure:

19-10-12, 12:39
Just back from work, you lot are a tad nuts I think lol. Edward I have had 2 cesarean sections I think I have suffered enough without needing an enema lol. So what if this dude is coming to your house Edward, why don't you try and freak him out by being completely normal and calm, it's nothing to worry about, it will be fine! My son had a sleepover at his friends last night, they went to sleep apparently at 1.30am and got up at 5.00am, so today will be fun with a crabbit boy! X

---------- Post added at 12:39 ---------- Previous post was at 12:37 ----------

I have a Mickey Mouse cake to make today, oh such fun! Lol x

19-10-12, 12:41
Oh Laura, he's used to me freaking out with my heart attacks and strokes. If he saw me calm and rational he'd have me sectioned immediately!

You are going to be tired today with a very cranky child

19-10-12, 12:45
If you are calm and rational Edward he might section himself :roflmao: Laura please let us see the cake when it is finished :)

19-10-12, 12:46
Lol he looks like a zombie, dark circles round his eyes, he will probably wilt this afternoon, my little princess wants to help mummy bake today, we are going to the shops for butter and eggs, it's a horrible wet day here today so don't mind being in the house all afternoon. X

19-10-12, 12:46
If you are calm and rational Edward he might section himself :roflmao: Laura please let us see the cake when it is finished :)

That's so true Annie. When he walks in later he will see me calm and think he's going out of his mind:roflmao:

19-10-12, 12:52
1700I will do Annie :) this was the last cake I did. X

19-10-12, 12:56
aww that is lovely Laura...you are so talented! :yesyes:

19-10-12, 12:57
Aw thanks Annie xx

19-10-12, 13:21
Aeneas just called and said he will be delayed and that it will be 3pm before he can call out. I'm in a terrible state because I am out of Lyrica before my time, I don't have any left. By the time he gets here the Psychiatrist will be off duty so he won't be able to get me more. I have nothing to calm me down now and I'm just freaking. I won't be able to get my next prescription until next Tuesday because I rang the GP to check if I could have it early and he said he is on strict orders not to give it out before the due date.

19-10-12, 13:35
Don't stress about it, Just tell Aeneas when he gets there and if he thinks you should have it he will sort it for you. Take some rescue spray. I am sure talking to us is better medicine for you anyway :D What did you think of Laura's cake Edward? She is so talented...I wish I could make cakes like that. :)

19-10-12, 13:51
Edward don't panic! Aeneas I am sure Will be able to sort it out, they won't leave you without medication. This is a test, you can handle this x

19-10-12, 13:51
He's useless Annie. I'm afraid he might think I'm having my stroke and heart attack when he sees the right state I've worked myself into. I rooted around the whole house looking for something to calm me down and couldn't find anything. I also rang Roselawn and Techport looking to speak to my Psychiatrist, but there's no one there. Aeneas can't do anything without their permission because he is just my nurse. It's too late now and I'm not going to have anything for the next few days to calm me down, which means no sleep, awake all night and being plain miserable until next week.

I saw Laura's cake and it looks really good and delicious.

19-10-12, 13:56
Edward...you really are working yourself into a state and telling yourself all these things will happen because you don't have the medication. It will happen if you are convincing yourself it will. Have you explained at the doctors that you have none of the tablets left. Ask them if they can speak to the doctor to ask him for just a couple to see you over the weekend. They should do this for you. :bighug1:

19-10-12, 13:57
Phone your gp again Edward, if he is not there then ask to speak to another gp, try to stay calm, I will be so proud of you if you can do this calmly, take a slow breath in through your nose, out through your mouth, you can do it! X

19-10-12, 13:59
Or could you call Aeneas back now and tell him the problem?

---------- Post added at 13:59 ---------- Previous post was at 13:58 ----------

Stay calm for me and Laura Edward...you can do it!

19-10-12, 14:02
Edward...you really are working yourself into a state and telling yourself all these things will happen because you don't have the medication. It will happen if you are convincing yourself it will. Have you explained at the doctors that you have none of the tablets left. Ask them if they can speak to the doctor to ask him for just a couple to see you over the weekend. They should do this for you. :bighug1:

The Doctor has two weeks prescription in the surgery for me and when I rang to ask could I have one they said no and that they were under strict orders not to give them to me until next Tuesday. That's Aeneas who did that. He even phoned that Pharmacy and told them that I was only to get my medication on the day it was due. He's after shaming me at the Doctors and the pharmacist. That Johnny at the Pharmacy is evil anyway. He's always plotting against me. He tried to sexually provoke me before by standing right up on my feet so I could feel his shoulder rubbing off of mine. I had to back away, number one because I felt very uncomfortable and number two because he was standing on my toe with his shoes. The cheek of him. I get my partner to go in there now because I don't like being around him any more.

19-10-12, 14:07
Ask to speak to the doctor..they should be able to let you speak to him at some point before surgery closes or ask if the doctor can call you back. They will have done that so you can't have too many tablets at once, they do this with drugs that could be potentially harmless. Surely the doctor will be able to authorise a few to see you over the weekend. Stay calm though when he phone them. :bighug1:

---------- Post added at 14:07 ---------- Previous post was at 14:06 ----------

That should say when you phone them

---------- Post added at 14:07 ---------- Previous post was at 14:07 ----------

that should say when you phone them

19-10-12, 14:08
Edward, they are not trying to plot against you, they are trying to keep you safe and healthy, you are being paranoid and I know you know this! If they know you will have no lyrica till next week they must also know that you can deal with this, they wouldn't want to risk setting you back. Wait till he comes at 3 and talk it over calmly with him. Xxx

19-10-12, 14:09
Ask to speak to the doctor..they should be able to let you speak to him at some point before surgery closes or ask if the doctor can call you back. They will have done that so you can't have too many tablets at once, they do this with drugs that could be potentially harmless. Surely the doctor will be able to authorise a few to see you over the weekend. Stay calm though when he phone them. :bighug1:

---------- Post added at 14:07 ---------- Previous post was at 14:06 ----------

That should say when you phone them

---------- Post added at 14:07 ---------- Previous post was at 14:07 ----------

that should say when you phone them

I'm going to phone the Psychiatrist again and then I will phone the Doctor Annie. I will remain calm :bighug1:

19-10-12, 14:09
Boy you are going to give me and Annie a bloody stroke at this rate lol xx

19-10-12, 14:10
Edward, they are not trying to plot against you, they are trying to keep you safe and healthy, you are being paranoid and I know you know this! If they know you will have no lyrica till next week they must also know that you can deal with this, they wouldn't want to risk setting you back. Wait till he comes at 3 and talk it over calmly with him. Xxx

Laura is right Edward..they are there to help you and you have to believe that. They have your best interests at heart. Stay calm...it can be sorted.

---------- Post added at 14:10 ---------- Previous post was at 14:09 ----------

Boy you are going to give me and Annie a bloody stroke at this rate lol xx

Laura is right there as well!!

19-10-12, 14:13
Laura is right Edward..they are there to help you and you have to believe that. They have your best interests at heart. Stay calm...it can be sorted.

---------- Post added at 14:10 ---------- Previous post was at 14:09 ----------

Laura is right there as well!!

Omg....I don't want to go giving ye a stroke:doh:

My thoughts are running away with me here. I have to relax and breath. Time for Bachs to make an appearance and help me calm down. I guess I'm just afraid that I'll be without meds until Tuesday. Tried ringing again and no answer. I'll just have t wait an hour for Aeneas to come out and see what can be done :)

19-10-12, 14:16
Yes and stay calm...I am getting a headache!! Don't worry we will always be here for you and we will keep nagging you until you sort yourself down and stay calm :D

19-10-12, 14:16
Edward, just to let you know, I am here, watching all the updates.. your doing well. You have some great support from Annie and Laura at the moment.. listen to them and everything will be fine :bighug1:x

19-10-12, 14:16
Edward I swear to god if you freak out over this I will personally come over there and kick your butt!!!!! Try phoning once more, if no answer wait for arrears or whatever his name is to arrive and speak with him about it! Take your rescue remedy and keep breathing and do not, I repeat, do not try to imagine the next few days, stay in the here and now! Xxx

19-10-12, 14:17
I think we could all do with a nice relaxing lavender bath now :D

19-10-12, 14:18
I'm taking all the advice on board guys. I'm calm and collected again and just waiting until 3pm when Angus Beef Burger (That's my nickname for him) comes out :)

19-10-12, 14:18
How am I supposed to bake Mickey bloody mouse now?????? Lol x

19-10-12, 14:19
Edward I swear to god if you freak out over this I will personally come over there and kick your butt!!!!! Try phoning once more, if no answer wait for arrears or whatever his name is to arrive and speak with him about it! Take your rescue remedy and keep breathing and do not, I repeat, do not try to imagine the next few days, stay in the here and now! Xxx

Oh Laura :roflmao: I love what you just called Edward's nurse!! We will all be on the next flight to Ireland if you don't calm down then you will have something to worry about! :D

19-10-12, 14:20
lol@Laura... what great people there are on here! Hugs to you all :bighug1:x

19-10-12, 14:22
Lol lol silly bloody name! Lol x

---------- Post added at 14:21 ---------- Previous post was at 14:20 ----------

Hugs back miss d :) xxx

---------- Post added at 14:22 ---------- Previous post was at 14:21 ----------

Just to clarify, I will not be in a flight really, I would have a massive panic attack and need to see arrears myself for medication!!!! Lol lol x

19-10-12, 14:22
I think I need to go and lie down!!! All because a beef burger is going to visit Edward :roflmao:

19-10-12, 14:24
Ha ha ha

---------- Post added at 14:24 ---------- Previous post was at 14:23 ----------

I am so stressed I am snorting the liquid lavender out of my air wick plug in on the hope the lavender will soothe me.

---------- Post added at 14:24 ---------- Previous post was at 14:24 ----------

Edward, don't try that!!!!!!!

19-10-12, 14:25
I'm laughing my head off Laura. You have me in stitches calling him Arrers:roflmao::roflmao::bighug1:

19-10-12, 14:26
Oh come on Laura..I am sure you could make the flight for Edward I am :roflmao: at the thought of us both on a plane to Ireland both having massive panic attacks as the plane takes off...oh dear..this would make a good movie script. I think I should send a copy of this thread to my son who is a film producer...it will be the funniest script he has ever seen :D

19-10-12, 14:26
See!!!!! You are just a big drama queen, you are laughing therefor you are not panicking, this is good lol xx

19-10-12, 14:27
and really Laura you should stop this snorting airwick habit!!

19-10-12, 14:28
See!!!!! You are just a big drama queen, you are laughing therefor you are not panicking, this is good lol xx

I was very bad until I saw your post, thank you:bighug1:

A drama queen? I'm shocked you called me that. Me dramatic? Never:lac:

19-10-12, 14:28
Annie my hubby is an air traffic controller, I know scary things about planes, I hate flying! Eeeeek!

19-10-12, 14:31
my oldest son studied aerospace engineering at uni!! He does try to reassure me though!! When the plane lands I nearly break my husbands thumb off because I use it as a throttle to stop the plane :D

19-10-12, 14:31
I would prefer to walk if you are ok with that Annie, ........... Forgot about your foot, oh well, sod Edward, he will just need to come to us!

19-10-12, 14:31
I think I need to go and lie down!!! All because a beef burger is going to visit Edward :roflmao:

Stop it right now or I won't be able to talk to him without thinking of McDonalds:roflmao:

19-10-12, 14:33
This is going to be a blockbuster movie...The flight to Rescue Edward from Arears the Angus beefburger' I can just see it winning oscars in Hollywood

19-10-12, 14:34
Lol lol I don't think we will ever eat another burger without thinking at arrears!

19-10-12, 14:34
I'll second that Laura. I'd prefer to walk too

Only 25mins till Beef Burger comes :D

19-10-12, 14:35
Laura how can we walk to Ireland!? and I can't swim so don't suggest that!

19-10-12, 14:35
Details details

19-10-12, 14:37
I think I'll prepare a burger and eat it in front of him when he comes!

19-10-12, 14:37
Edward, where I live, on a clear day, I can see Ireland, I am watching you!

19-10-12, 14:37
That is the best idea you have had all day Edward!!!

19-10-12, 14:37
Edward, where I live, on a clear day, I can see Ireland, I am watching you!

That is NOT a good thing to say to someone who suffers with paranoia :roflmao:

19-10-12, 14:39
Oh I am on the East side of England so can't see you :(

---------- Post added at 14:39 ---------- Previous post was at 14:38 ----------

That is NOT a good thing to say to someone who suffers with paranoia :roflmao:
Ahh you know Laura is nice though :)

19-10-12, 14:40
Oh, lol, sorry Edward! You can watch me too if it makes you feel better lol xx

19-10-12, 14:40
Oh I am on the East side of England so can't see you :(

---------- Post added at 14:39 ---------- Previous post was at 14:38 ----------

Ahh you know Laura is nice though :)

I know Annie. I was only having a joke:roflmao:

I'll be in England in a month so it will be me stalking you:yahoo:

19-10-12, 14:44
:D That's Ok Edward..we will be looking out for you :)

19-10-12, 14:46
:D That's Ok Edward..we will be looking out for you :)

I'll see if I can make an impression on England :D

19-10-12, 14:47
I am sure England will love you :)

19-10-12, 14:49
Right guys. Back later. Have to get ready for Beef Burger :D

Will let ye know how it goes later :)

19-10-12, 14:50
How quickly did that time fly and the burger is almost ready!

19-10-12, 14:52
Nearly burnt my bolognaise sauce then.. chuckling at Edward cooking a burger :D x

19-10-12, 14:54
Nearly burnt my bolognaise sauce then.. chuckling at Edward cooking a burger :D x

I hope he doesn't cook Arears

19-10-12, 15:01
Lol. Mickey is in the oven!

19-10-12, 15:17
Aww poor Mickey

19-10-12, 15:29
I wonder how Edward is getting on????

19-10-12, 15:31
I am waiting for his report back...I can just see him sitting looking at him imagining him as a giant beef burger called Arears :D

19-10-12, 15:33
I hope that's what he is doing, I would rather that than him having one if his stroke attacks!!! Bless him x

19-10-12, 15:35
Me too :) Don't burn Mickey!

19-10-12, 15:35
I hope he doesn't cook Arears

I'll give him Arears. The worst visit in history. We got into a screaming match because he attacked me for ringing Techport and then said it was all my own fault for taking them. He went mad when he found out I had upped the dose myself and after screaming at each other he left in a right huff, leaving me ranging and having one of my many strokes.:mad:

19-10-12, 15:37

My little princess made these :) x

19-10-12, 15:38
Oh Edward!!!!!! So no meds till Tuesday then. Ok we will just need to get you through it, simples!!!! X

19-10-12, 15:40
Oh Edward...we were so hoping it would go well today. However I do agree that you shouldn't have upped the dose yourself...I always check with my GP before I change my doses. You do know though that you are NOT having a stroke though and we will always be here to help you through. :bighug1:

---------- Post added at 15:40 ---------- Previous post was at 15:40 ----------

Oh Laura those cakes look lovely..your little girl has done so well :)

19-10-12, 15:41
And if you do have a stroke they will medicate you up to the eyeballs.........always a silver lining darling lol. We can do it Edward! X

19-10-12, 15:41
We have been sitting here waiting for Arears the giant burger to leave

19-10-12, 15:42
Aren't they good Annie :) she is only 7, wants to bake like mummy, she has her own little pink cake oven lol x

19-10-12, 15:43
Aren't they good Annie :) she is only 7, wants to bake like mummy, she has her own little pink cake oven lol x

Aww Lovely..she has done better than I could..bless her :)

19-10-12, 15:47
She is the cutest wee cookie, a wee ray of sunshine :) x

---------- Post added at 15:47 ---------- Previous post was at 15:45 ----------

Edward .................. What are you doing................are you tearing the house apart for lyrica???????

19-10-12, 15:47
She is the cutest wee cookie, a wee ray of sunshine :) x

She has a lovely Mummy so what can you expect :)

19-10-12, 15:48
Awww thanks hunni x

19-10-12, 15:48
Edward come back you are getting us worried

19-10-12, 15:51
He's tearing the house apart isn't he!!!! I swear to god I will have to kick his butt before this day is through!

---------- Post added at 15:51 ---------- Previous post was at 15:50 ----------


19-10-12, 15:53
Edward, come on now please. We are here for you :bighug1: x

19-10-12, 15:53

19-10-12, 15:55
Edward...we are all here because we care about you :bighug1::bighug1::bighug1::bighug1:

19-10-12, 15:58
Come on bugalugs, we need you :bighug1: x

19-10-12, 16:00
EDWARD.......... You are ripping my knitting, speak to uuuuuuuus!

19-10-12, 16:01
I know and I swear I am getting pains in my chest!!!

19-10-12, 16:03
Edward do you see the state of poor Annie??????? She is going to need an Epsom bath soon!

---------- Post added at 16:02 ---------- Previous post was at 16:02 ----------

And miss d is gonna burn her Bol!

---------- Post added at 16:03 ---------- Previous post was at 16:02 ----------

He is showing as online so he can't have had a stroke!

19-10-12, 16:05
And laura is burning poor Mickey!!!

---------- Post added at 16:05 ---------- Previous post was at 16:03 ----------

Well Laura there is nothing else we can do...I will just have to look at the next flight times and we will have to go through our worst nightmare to rescue poor Edward

19-10-12, 16:07
I love you Annie, dearly, but Sod that!!!!!

---------- Post added at 16:07 ---------- Previous post was at 16:05 ----------

Oh by the way, I got a new book today, help for your nerves my Claire weeks, looks brilliant!

19-10-12, 16:08
You could take the ferry and we could meet at the other side of the ocean? I would rather risk a plane than a ferry I think. I told my friend yesterday that I would never go on a ferry because I can't swim. He said but you go on aeroplanes and can you fly? :D

19-10-12, 16:08
What time does Mark get in?

19-10-12, 16:09
She has written some good books, I may have read that one.

---------- Post added at 16:09 ---------- Previous post was at 16:08 ----------

Don't know Miss D :(

19-10-12, 16:09
Is it not about 6?

19-10-12, 16:16
Come on Edward my hubby needs his tea and I am not leaving until I know you are okay.

19-10-12, 16:19
oh Edward i really do hope you are ok. i'v just sat and read all 25(!) pages and have been torn between laughing my ass off and being worried for you hun!

19-10-12, 16:20
Lol lol, that must have taken you ages paranoidtree! X

19-10-12, 16:22
indeed, i haven't been on properly in ages and do admit i sat here and took about 20 minds reading it! Certainly took my mind off everything else going on!

oh and please call me Loo. x

19-10-12, 16:46
Sorry guys. I was taking a time out there for a while and I'm calm again and eating a burger in Errars honor :D

Seriously, I got new meds to last me until Tuesday and I have to go back and see the Psychiatrist earlier than my usual appointment on Tuesday.

Just popping down to the pharmacy with my partner now to collect them, so will be back on in a while :)

19-10-12, 16:48
That's good, at least you will have something to take. X

19-10-12, 16:50
Aww thank goodness for that...my poor little heart has been pounding for the past hour!!

19-10-12, 17:08
Sorry about that Annie :)

Beef burger thought I tried to kill myself when he found out that I took all my pills. I, in the middle of a screaming match, informed him that I didn't try to harm myself, but that I felt that I needed to take a little more in order for the anxiety to subside. My dose is now being upped again on Tuesday. I can't fault him really because he got onto the Doctors and informed them that it was OK to issue me more pills :)