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View Full Version : Referral to Community Psychiatric Nurse

09-08-06, 10:18
Hi All,

I've just been to my Doctor about my anxiety (again), as I'm getting married this time next year and I want this thing well and truly GONE by then. I actually went in to ask about a referral to CBT, but apparently there is a 12 month waiting list in my area, and good counsellors are as rare as hen's teeth, so the Dr is going to refer me to the Community Psychiatric Nurse instead.

I went to see a Psychologist when I was about 15/16 about this same thing, because I had been referred to a Psychiatrist but refused to see them on the grounds that it made me insane.... Although it helped me get out the house and back to school (I was heavily agoraphobic with it at that time), it didn't sort out the problem completely, and I was discharged before I felt I'd been "cured". I'm going to see the Psychiatrist this time - I'm older, and know that it doesn't make me crazy! - but I don't really know what to expect. Could anyone give me an idea of how it will differ from my Psychologist experience?

Leah x

--- Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.

09-08-06, 11:59
hi leah

the first thing to remember is they are only out to help you get better and although anxiety is not a mental illness as such it is still dealt with by the mental health team.
To get the best from your appointment tell them exactly how you cope and how you feel - that way they can give you the correct support and advice - its not all about meds.
I had a psy nurse for 5 years and it made a huge difference in my life - I was totally agoraphobic to my bedroom for 3 yrs and now I am at college and out every day - yes i do still have symptoms but i deal with them better.
take care and try not to worry too much


........life is for living not just for surviving

09-08-06, 19:24
Thanks darkangel. I'm glad you had a good experience with your local Psych Nurse, that makes me feel more confident :)

Leah x

--- Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.

26-08-06, 19:19
I had a CPN for 3 years. She was really good but I kind of grew out of her, if that makes sense. She helped me a lot with looking at anxiety (which is a big part of their job remit) but once I'd done all of that I didn't really need her. I went for counselling instead as I finally got the funds to go private. A CPN can be an excellent source of support and you will find a very welcome change from your previous experience. Good luck!
