View Full Version : Extremes...

09-08-06, 11:06
Why is it that we go from one extreme to the other

I felt great yesterday...not unreal at all, happy, etc
Went to the doctors yesterday and finally got diagnosed with IBS , as I have been having the symptoms for a while now so it was sort of a relief to get a diagnosis

Then today, I'm sitting here at my desk having head rushes and feel full of adrenalin and just awful :-(
what doesnt help is that we're still waiting for news about the house and keep getting conflicting info about what is happening further down the chain and I know that is making me feel worse....


'Never be afraid to try- remember, amateurs buit the Ark...professionals built the Titanic'

09-08-06, 15:07
Hi there, sorry you feel rough today, but in my opinion, i believe you said it yourself mate, you are having problems with your new house etc... of course this will make you anxious, it would anyone! I am sorry you suffer with IBS, but as you said, at least you know what's wrong and how you can deal with it, as for everything else, things will be fine, and so will you, make sure you eat and drink well, lots of cuddles and sleep, look after yourself. take care and keep in touch xx

09-08-06, 17:07
hi there i myself have got ibs anxiety makes it worse i find .i know how you feel the tiniest thing will make me very anxious i get very shaky sweaty the lot so i do know how you feel sue

09-08-06, 19:03
I know what you mean. This morning/afternoon I was feeling a bit better, tonight I just feel so panicky! I don't know why life has to be so damn hard!

10-08-06, 09:26
Yep....its like when I feel ok I think hmmm maybe this could be it, maybe i am going to be ok finally, then the next day I will be back where I started[xx(]

'Never be afraid to try- remember, amateurs buit the Ark...professionals built the Titanic'

10-08-06, 13:59
I think half my problem is when I feel ok I either think "must hold on to this feeling" and start panicking or I think "it wont last" and get down about it! I definitely need to be more positive in my thinking.

polly daydream
10-08-06, 14:40
Yep I am exactly the same, fine one minute and anxious the next. Its such a pain.

Take care,

Polly x