View Full Version : A couple of worries

18-10-12, 21:36
Hi everyone. I used to come on here to check almost daily but it's been around 4-5 months now (not too sure how many). I've been taking Citalopram 10mg daily and it's really kicked my anxiety into touch. I still get anxious on occasion but not nearly like I used to and I can't recall having a full blown panic attack whilst being on cit. In the past few days though I've had a few worries:

1.) My first worry is that I drink around 3-4 cans of Fosters each night (that's a lager which is 4.0% alcohol volume for those who don't know) and I'm thinking of cutting the alcohol out for a while to see how things go. I've been drinking this amount daily almost constantly for about 6 months. I'm wondering if I just stop will it have any adverse effects on my body? Like I won't just drop dead or anything right?

2.) My other worry isn't really health related but it's definitely linked with anxiety. I saw something on the news earlier about how the weather in Britain has become really unpredictable lately and scientists are having a hard time tracking it. Now I know it sounds crazy, but I'm one of these people who sort of buys into this whole 2012 end of the world thing and wonder if the weather going nuts is related? On the other hand, my logical side assures me that I haven't ever seen weather conditions as bad as my parents have in their life time and that British weather is always crazy? Can anyone reassure me that I'm not crazy?

Thank youuu. I'll reply as quickly as possible.

18-10-12, 21:42
Hey Kris, I cant comment on the second part as live in NZ but can honestly say you are not crazy. But I can reassure you you're not guna "drop dead" from giving up the drinks. I was really bad when it came to booze, 6 to 12 cans a night. Im on 40 mg cit and I stopped drinking nearly 2 months ago. I had no withdrawls or any effects on the body. Hope this puts your mind at ease a bit :-) take care.

18-10-12, 21:44
No you will not drop dead if you stop drinking. If you are really worried, try cutting down by one can a week, or cut down through the week and still drink at weekends. Do you feel that you are dependent on alcohol?
Secondly, I am doing ny honours year in environmental geography at present, and the world is not going to end. The world will be around long after the human race is. Life on earth as we know it is likely to end due to over exploitation of the resources on earth, and we would know that was going to happen with a fair amount of notice. And if the world does end, who cares? Personally I think it id the ideal way to die - you will not die alone, no one will be left to grieve you, and you do not need to worry about how others would cope in your absence!

18-10-12, 21:48
Well thanks for the reassurance. I definitely know I'm not dependent on alcohol because I genuinely am bored of it. I've stopped drinking for a couple of weeks at a time before but I'm just quite anxious today for some reason. Also the points about the world ending are very clever but I do care. There's still so much I haven't done and I should probably get on with doing them rather than worrying about things I have no control over. Thanks!!

18-10-12, 21:56
Well if you are not dependent on alcohol and you are bored of it, stopping should be quite easy for you. You have only been drinking the way you are for a short period of time also, which again makes it easier. Is there a reason behind your drinking?
We are getting more crazy weather due to increased global warming, but any impact this would have on life on earth would be gradual, and humans are a very adaptable race who can survive on every habitat on earth. Survival of the fittest!
Ultimately, if the world was to end suddently you would not know it had ended and you would not have time to reflect on your life, so would your achievements actually matter?