View Full Version : cant stand the feeling of things touching me?

18-10-12, 22:05
This is going to sound totally psychotic but does anyone get freaked out by things touching the skin over the area they suffer health anxiety with?
It is hard to explain but I have an area on my ribcage where I am convinced something is wrong, it sits exactly where the waist of my dresses/jackets/belts would sit, and I now can't bear anything tightly touching it, even my hide coat needs to be left open as I am convinced it is painful when anything presses it, even though it isn't.
I also have an area in my groin that I am convinced is swollen, even though it isn't, but if anything touches it even gently I freak out. I can't wear trousers with a pocket as I convince myself that the sram of the pocket is swollen nodes and I panic.
I also worry about an area on my neck for the same reason, and I need to hold a seatbelt away from my neck as i am convinced it is damaging me.
I can't let anyone touch my head as i have a mole on it. I love back massages but wont let anyone touch my back as i have a lipoma on my back!
It has gotten to the point that i am convinced i have something wrong all over my body and it is driving my boyfriend mad as he is scared he freaks me out every time he touches me.

19-10-12, 11:50
I must truly be a freak then ...

19-10-12, 16:50
haha don't say that! You're just really self concious, I also hate the hairdressers because I have a 'brain tumour fear' I always think that im going to all of a sudden faint or that when they are trimming round my ears im going to have a massive muscle spasm and cause them to chop my ears off, not so much the pain thing with me though

20-10-12, 10:49
Haha chop your ear off, I hadn't thought abut that happening, I probably will now! I read somewhere online that there is a condition where you interpret all touch as pain and I dont know if that is the cause of my health anxiety, or if my health anxiety is making mw think I have got that? It is like what came first, the chicken or the egg?