View Full Version : headaches

09-08-06, 11:37
do any of u suffer headaches and feeling as if u are moving when u arent...??

expecto patronum
09-08-06, 14:21
Do you mean feeling unsteady/dizzy/lack of balance cos I have this and I know a lot of people on this site do as well. I used to have a constant tesion headache, but I only get them occasionally now.

09-08-06, 14:24
oh yes and more so the last few days



09-08-06, 14:34
I don't suffer from headaches so much, but I do get that feeling of moving when I'm not. Its worse when I'm tired.
love Helen

09-08-06, 15:15
Oh yes all the time.
I have head pains, which apparently is caused by muscle tension. And i always think im swaying!!! Nightmare isnt it?

Hay x

09-08-06, 18:21

Yes i get alot of tension headaches which make me feel terrible as i have to lie down in a darkened room.


09-08-06, 19:26
hi yes i get this too!!it,s some of the worst anxiety symptoms i think!!!
take care rachel x

10-08-06, 15:50
Hi guys

how refreshing (and kind of cute) to know that somewhere out there so many people are actually feeling the same kind of anxiety, panic and health concerns! I AM NOT INSANE!!

a run-down of my problems:

started having panic attacks at 18 (25 now) have forced numerous people to take me to the hospital as i was convinced i was dying. Even had the doctors come pick me up once!! (a sense of humour in all this is vital!) Following the headaches i suffered for tension headaches on a daily basis for months and months. To the point where i was fairly hysterical and convinced of a brain tumour.

Then i went through a few years of nothing more than the odd raised heartbeat which i contolled with breathing and "mind over matter"

Although, the thing with anxiety/panic is that no matter how good you are feeling it is ALWAYS bubbling underneath the surface.

Sure enough, started a new job 3 weeks ago (which i LOVE) and have suffered from severe tension headaches everyday for the last 2 weeks. They come with the standard vice like grip and mass pressure in the forehead and right at the back of the head. i also feel really thirsty, woozy, light-headed, dizzy, panicky, spaced out and need to walk away from my desk when it gets really bad just to convince myself that i am not literally about to pass out and/or die.

i have taken some ibuprofen but not much as i dont want to be popping pills everyday. I also use 4head which worked really well at first but not now. i had an indian head massage last night which relaxed me until i got up this morning and wondered if i had a headache (and what do you know..!) i have also joined the gym and go a lot to try and relax and relieve stress.

finding this forum has made me realise that however unpleasant the symptoms, it is honestly 100% anxiety. even though the headaches havent gone yet, im hoping that the comfort of reading about all of you and your problems, solutions and happy endings will pull me though...

funnily enough in every other aspect of my life i am so confident and energetic.. and yet underneath it all i suffer anxiety.

Go figure!!

06-11-08, 23:13
Hi ya

I am going through similar right now. I have had constant pressure headache for 4 weeks now. I have suffered from anxiety for a few years now. I am told that my headaches are due to my anxiety. May have started with a migraine but I am keeping them going because of the anxiety.

I don't know what the answer is to be honest, it's driving me insane. I try to be positive and ignore it but it's so hard, it's there when I go to bed and there when I get up in the morning.

I had an MRI scan 2 years ago as i suffered with bad headaches then also. That was all clear, so my doctor has said that she does not want to send me again...

Anyway just letting you know you are definately NOT alone..

Take care

13-03-09, 17:12
Kathyanne are you still getting the headaches, I have had one for about 6 weeks told it is stress now on 2 types of Anti D's but still have a feint headache, can they really be due to anxiety or is it something more serious?