View Full Version : Some reassurance?

19-10-12, 09:05
After a good couple of weeks, anxiety threw heart failure at me and I can't seem to get it out of my head..

I had an EKG done about 2 weeks ago that was normal, only abnormality was that my pulse rate was 140, which was really due to having a slight panic attack during the test..also have a full blood work up and all was normal. I've been checking my pulse often have only go over 100 if I'm nervous, resting is usually in the low to mid 80s

Since the EKG was good, does this mean I shouldn't worry about HF? Just need some reassurance.

19-10-12, 09:31
I don't think you have anything at all to worry about. All your tests are normal so accept that as reassurance. :)

19-10-12, 09:33
I don't think you have anything at all to worry about. All your tests are normal so accept that as reassurance. :)

Thank you Annie, its just so hard sometimes to kill the negative thoughts.

God Bless.

19-10-12, 09:38
No problem Shepherd :)

19-10-12, 11:00
All tests are fine so u need to relax now and stop worrying because if something was up it would have shown :)

19-10-12, 13:03
Hi there, I know it is hard to switch off the negative thoughts, I have been in similar situation, convinced I had a brain tumour and even though the scan came back fine, it wasnt long before I was having similar thoughts again.

For both of us it is clearly psychological and not physical, our anxiety kicks in and we catastrophise, (think the worst).

Hypnotherapy, breathing techniques and most of all CBT, (cognitive behaviour therapy, which aims to challenges and reduce these unhelpful thoughts have all helped me feel better to some degree).

You are fine, you just need to find ways such as above to retrain your mind to fully realise it.

Love and best wishes, Steph :)

You are fine, you just need to find a way to

19-10-12, 13:56
You are fine. Anything would show up on the EKG.
I also had a resting heart rate around 80. But did you know your resting rate is effected by many things. For example, it will go up by 10 or so 1 hour after eating. This is because you are digesting. Your real resting rate should be taken sometime when you are really relaxed, like before bed.

I have been jogging 4 times a week, and that dropped by resting from 80 to 65. And my maximum rate (the rate I hit while jogging) has gone from 185 to 170. So if you can, try to take up running or something. Not because you have to, but because it will make you feel better:yesyes: