View Full Version : Coughing for nearly 3 weeks

19-10-12, 11:58
I started with a dry throat and slight bunged up nose about 3 weeks ago. This coincided with a trauma in the family which knocked me for six. I have been feeling very stressed and upset ever since.

A few days after it I started with a slight headcold, nothing major but I had a bunged up nose slightly, dry throat, achy head and a very hoarse voice but no sore throat..... but within 3 days cold symptoms cleared. I have been left with a gooey throat feeling ever since which makes me cough to constantly clear it. It is really annoying.

I saw my GP last week about something else and he checked my chest whilst I was there and he said it was fine, it was just in my throat. It does just feel like I have gunk in my throat and it won't clear, it isn't thick but at times it makes my voice go a little croaky.

I am worrying a little as it will be 3 weeks on Monday since it started and I am still having to clear my throat. I am worrying that once I read it can be sign of a type of cancer, I can't remember which (I am not thinking lung) but it affects the throat and voice so me being me I am a tad worried.

I am worried I can't fight it off but my GP said I had no fever, I looked well so nothing to worry about.

My daughter has just started with a thick throat type cough and cold, but I think that could be something else as I started with mine quite a while back.

I have my GP next Thursday for some blood results to check my iron and white cells, as they can both dip at times. I am worried about my bloods now just incase, but in June they were perfect he said.

Am I worrying over nothing and this could all just be stress induced? My husband says I am fine and he thinks I just need to drink more water and worry less, he knows I have had an awful time recently losing my Nan and I was attacked by my brother:weep: I hope he is right and things will feel better soon.

19-10-12, 12:05
Colds and there symptoms can take a long time to go especially when you are already run down so I am sure that is what it will be. Your husband is correct telling you to drink plenty of liquids. :hugs:

19-10-12, 19:18
Thanks Annie, hopefully it will clear soon.

20-10-12, 12:50
:hugs:I'm sure you'll be fine. Your GP checked you and didn't find anything worrysome, so that's great!

I've been having a cough (tickly, irritating one) for about the same time as you, also after a cold. It's the first time my cough lingered for so long after a cold, but from what I've heard and read it can take weeks or even months for the cough to clear up.

My cough gets triggered for example when I'm at my boyfriend's house and the fireplace is lit (dry air), or when I change rooms and temperature changes. Also clearing your throat triggers a cough reflex. Difficult not to do, I know ;) What helps me when I have a coughing fit, is drinking tea with a teaspoon of honey.

I hope it clears up for you soon, and you find peace in your personal life as well. Take care, Savannah. :hugs:

20-10-12, 13:46
Sometimes when I get a cough after having a cold, it takes a couple of weeks to clear up completely. I think if you are under a lot of stress it may take longer to clear up. I hope you're feeling better soon. :hugs: