View Full Version : Advice needed

19-10-12, 14:41
Hi in February this year had a major abdominal operation with major complications afterwards. I was also left with chronic lower back pain and have been unable to return to work so far.
I have suffered from anxiety issues during my recovery and was started on 70mg of Lofepramine (TCA) but could not tolerate the side effects. I was persuaded to take a half dose every night of 35 mg and have been doing so for nearly 8 weeks now. I have also been taking low dose Amitriptylline 10 mg for pain but decided it wasn't really beneficial so have cut down to 5mg with a view to stopping.
I have been suffering really bad hot flushes, mild sweating and burning skin on legs and waves of chills. I have tingling in my feet, very dizzy all the time and slight headache and nausea.
I would like to know if anyone has suffered side effects like these even on the low doses of these meds.
I am unable to function properly and find it difficult to concentrate. I cry often and quite frankly don't think the Lofepramine is doing anything for me at all therefore I would like to stop it as well.
My GP did mention a while back that I may be one of these people who are very sensitive to medications.

I look forward to any feedback.
Many thanks

19-10-12, 14:52
Hi Bankieanne

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

19-10-12, 17:49
Hello Bankieanne

Like you I am very sensitive to drugs. What you describe above seems to be a mixture of a drug not agreeing with you and that in turn heightens your anxiety.

I got nearly all the same side effects on Prozac. I would go back to your doctor and see if he can prescribe something different. With doctors it is to an extent guess work but every patient acts differently.

I think it is fair to say nearly everyone has some sort of side effect from anti depressants for at least a week. With some it levels out and becomes tolerable with others it gets to a stage where it is unbearable. Good luck.

19-10-12, 18:01
Thanks Ricardo
I'm sure it is just sensitivity and to be honest I felt better off the drugs than on.
Thanks for replying