View Full Version : left sided chest pain when leaning forward really anxious

19-10-12, 16:08
Hi I have been using the computer a lot recently and when I lean forward I get left sided chest pain and for a while after it lasts for about 5 mins then goes away again. I also have a hiatus hernia and I had a large coffee decaf today in costa and then sausage egg sandwich this am for breakfast. I am thinking it could be that because I have a lot of wind. But I keep on thinking what if it is a blood clot on the lung or a heart attack. I have been googling which is stupid I know.

19-10-12, 16:54
It does sound like it could be the your hernia. I don't think the pain would keep going away if it was anything for serious.

19-10-12, 19:33
I've never had a hernia, so I don't know if leaning forward could be putting pressure on it?

But if your sitting or at a computer, your muscles get used but they also stiffen up.
Try massaging your neck shoulders, stretch out, use a heat pad on the tender areas.

I sometimes get neck,shoulder n chest pain from playing video games n staying in the same position too long,

Where abouts is the chest pain